Janaki Balakrishnan

Administrative Position
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Prof. Janaki Balakrishnan heads the Complex Systems Programme in the School of Natural Sciences and Engineering at NIAS.  

She obtained her PhD in Theoretical High Energy Physics from the University of Delhi. She has subsequently worked and published in a wide range of areas covering many diverse areas of physics, ranging from quantum field theory in curved space and theoretical high energy physics to dynamical systems theory and biological physics. She was an Associate Professor of Physics at the Central University of Hyderabad for several years before moving to Bangalore.

Earlier she has held Visiting and other positions at various places including the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR), Bangalore, CMMACS, Bangalore, JNCASR, Indian Institute of Science, Raman Research Institute, The University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K., Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, the Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, etc.  


Research Interests:  

Dynamical systems theory and its applications to physical, biological & real world  problems, complex systems, bubble dynamics, acoustic cavitation, ecological modelling, physics of sensory systems, synchronization of neuronal activity, bursting behaviour in neurons, stochastic processes, quantum field theory in flat & curved spacetimes.  


Select Publications:

Click here for Dr Janaki Balakrishnan's Selected Publications.



Nature's Longest Threads Janaki Balakrishnan, B V Sreekantan
Complex Systems
Nature's longest threads: New Frontiers in the Mathematics & Physics of Information in Biology
Edited Volume, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore (2014) (ISBN-13 no.: 978-9814612463).
q-Deformations and the Dynamics of the Larch Bud-moth Population Cycles Janaki Balakrishnan, Sudharsana V Iyengar
Complex Systems
q-Deformations and the Dynamics of the Larch Bud-moth Population Cycles
In: Nature's longest threads: New Frontiers in the Mathematics & Physics of Information in Biology, Nature's longest threads: New Frontiers in the Mathematics & Physics of Information in Biology, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 65-80 (2014
Instabilities in sensory processes Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Instabilities in sensory processes
In: Nature's longest threads: New Frontiers in the Mathematics & Physics of Information in Biology, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 37-46 (2014)
The role of dynamical instabilities & fluctuations in hearing Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
The role of dynamical instabilities & fluctuations in hearing
In: SK Dana, PK Roy & J Kurths (Eds), Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems: From Heart to Brain, Springer Book Series: Understanding Complex Systems, 2009, 239-254 (2009), Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Predicting climatic tipping points
Co-authored with Sunny, Eros M and Kurths, Jürgen. Chaos: An interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2)
6 February 2023
Journal Articles
Physics Open Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
The lengthening pendulum: adiabatic invariance and bursting solutions
Co-authored with Subhayan Sahu, Shriya Pai, & Naren Manjunath. In: Physics Open 7, 100067 (2021)
28 May 2021
Journal Articles
The flight of the hornbill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
The flight of the hornbill: drift & diffusion in arboreal avian movement
Co-authored with Ankit Vikrant, Rohit Naniwadekar, & Aparajita Datta. Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 11, 5591 (2021)
10 March 2021
Journal Articles
Burst mechanisms and burst synchronization Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Burst mechanisms and burst synchronization in a system of coupled type-I and type-II neurons
Co-authored with Sadhitro De. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 90, 105391 (2020)
28 November 2020
Journal Articles
The q-deformed Tinkerbell map Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
The q-deformed Tinkerbell map
Co-authored with Sudharsana V Iyengar. Chaos 28, 113102(1)-113102(12) (2018)
1 November 2018
Journal Articles
The charged bubble oscillator Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
The charged bubble oscillator: dynamics and thresholds
Co-authored with B Ashok, and Thotreithem Hongray. Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series 1, 109-115 (2017) (from: Pramana: Journal of Physics)
28 December 2017
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, Sudharsana V Iyengar, Jürgen Kurths
Complex Systems
Missing cycles: effect of climate change on population dynamics
Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series 1, 93-99 (2017) (from: Pramana: Journal of Physics)
28 December 2017
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, Sudharsana V Iyengar , Jürgen Kurths
Complex Systems
Impact of climate change on larch budmoth cyclic outbreaks
Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 6, 27845 (2016)
28 December 2016
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, Sudharsana V Iyengar , Jürgen Kurths
Complex Systems
Co-existence of periodic bursts and death of cycles in a population dynamics system
Chaos 26, 093111(1) - 093111(15) (2016)
28 December 2016
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, Thotreithem Hongray
Complex Systems
Dynamics of bow-tie shaped bursting: forced pendulum with dynamic feedback
Chaos 26, 123107 (2016)
7 September 2016
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, Thotreithem Hongray, Syamal K. Dana
Complex Systems
Bursting behaviour in coupled Josephson junctions
Chaos 25, 123104 (2015)
3 December 2015
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, B Ashok, Thotreithem Hongray
Complex Systems
Oscillatory dynamics of a charged microbubble under ultrasound
Pramana: Journal of Physics 84, 517 (2015)
28 November 2014
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, Thotreithem Hongray, B Ashok
Complex Systems
Effect of charge on the dynamics of an acoustically forced bubble
Nonlinearity 27, 1157 (2014)
7 May 2014
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, B Ashok, N Malik
Complex Systems
Complete synchronization in coupled Type-I neurons
Pramana: Journal of Physics 74, 189 (2010).
28 December 2010
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, B Ashok, N Malik
Complex Systems
Noise-induced synchronization in bidirectionally coupled Type-I neurons
Eur. Phys. J. B 74, 177 (2010).
28 December 2010
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, B Ashok
Complex Systems
The role of Hopf bifurcation dynamics in sensory processes
J. Theor. Biol. 265, 126 (2010).
28 December 2010
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
A geometric framework for phase synchronization in coupled noisy nonlinear systems
Phys.Rev.E 73, 036206 (2006).
28 December 2006
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Self-tuning to the Hopf bifurcation in fluctuating systems
J.Phys.A 38, 1627 (2005).
28 December 2005
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Symmetry Scheme for Amino Acid Codons
Phys.Rev.E 65, 021912 (2002).
28 December 2002
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Stochastic quantization of order two parafermi fields
Eur.Phys.J.C 23, 389 (2002).
28 December 2002
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Neural network learning dynamics in a path integral framework
Eur.Phys.J.B 15,679 (2000).
28 December 2000
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, G R Nagabhushana
Complex Systems
On the applicability of Sato's equation to capacitative radio frequency sheaths
J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. (Rapid Communication) 33, L153-L157 (2000).
28 December 2000
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
Spatial curvature effects on molecular transport by diffusion
Phys.Rev.E 61, 4648 (2000).
28 December 2000
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, B Ashok
Complex Systems
Effective potential for phi^6 theory in three dimensional curved spacetime
J.Phys.A 31, 3999 (1998).
28 December 1998
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan
Complex Systems
One-loop fnite temperature effective action for composite fields in curved space
Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 10, 389 (1995).
28 December 1995
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, I G Moss
Complex Systems
Improved effective potential
Phys.Rev.D 49,4113 (1994).
28 December 1994
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, D J Toms
Complex Systems
Gauge-independent effective potential for minimally coupled quantum fields in curved space
Phys.Rev.D 46, 4413 (1992).
28 November 1992
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, D J Toms
Complex Systems
Gauge-independent effective action for quantum electrodynamics in Euclidean de Sitter space
Phys.Lett.B 269, 339 (1991)
28 December 1991
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, S N Biswas, A K Goyal, S K Soni
Complex Systems
Stochastic Quantization of Parafermi Fields
J.Math.Phys. 31,156 (1990).
28 December 1990
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, S N Biswas, A K Goyal, S K Soni
Complex Systems
Applications of the Stochastic Quantization Method
Acta Physica Hungarica 67, 381 (1990).
28 December 1990
Journal Articles
quill Janaki Balakrishnan, S N Biswas, S K Soni, A K Goyal
Complex Systems
The Axial Anomaly from the Equations of Motion of Stochastic Quantization
Fizika 21 (4),425 (1989).
28 December 1989
Journal Articles
Quill Janaki Balakrishnan, S N Biswas, A K Goyal, A K Soni
Complex Systems
Chiral Anomaly for Parafermions from Stochastic Quantization
Phys.Rev.D 37,571 (1988).
28 December 1988
Journal Articles