
Programme About

The Education Programme at NIAS is a consolidation of work in various projects and academic activities conducted at the institute for nearly two and a half decades.  Drawing on a range of experiences, the PROGRAMME is premised on observations that the education system in India, at all levels, is entrapped in several contradictions. On the one hand, mass elementary education remains limited with problems of access, equity and quality, while on the other hand, select specialized institutions of higher education are celebrated for the generation of creative and global talent. Even as existing institutions face a crisis in management and quality, several new, private institutions are catering to differential financial capabilities of households.  The challenges are multiple: how to provide equal and quality education to all? What models and practices of education are suitable for a diverse population? How can local and national priorities be matched with the pressures of global regimes? What linkages must education institutions have with the social, political and economic worlds of the people?  Attempting to address these challenges and drawing on the institutional mandate of inter/multi-disciplinary research, the Education Programme focuses on connecting research with teaching, advocacy and policy.  Our work has found audience in diverse forums including academic journals, national and international conferences, teach-ins, government expert committees, governing boards of educational institutions among others. In addition to the scholars from around the world, we have collaborated with students, teachers, administrators, government officials and civil society organisations.

Our focus, ‘Reaching the Unreached’ draws attention to the critical problems in education that have hitherto received little attention.  Working on all levels of education and interacting with different stakeholders, we have been involved in identifying trends, reviewing schemes and policies, drafting reports and collaborating around issues involving meaningful, viable visions of education. 

The current thrust areas of the programme include:

  1. Education of the Gifted and Talented 
  2. Women in STEM disciplines
  3. Social Exclusion and Education 
  4. School Dropout, Vocational Education and Employability
  5. Education and Sustainability
  6. Curricula and Pedagogic Practices
  7. Cognition and Learning

The current ongoing projects include Education and Urban Transformation (2019-2022), Vocational Skill Policy, Dropout Reduction and Employability among Adolescent Youth: A Study in Odisha and Assam (2020-23); Learning, Livelihoods and Socially Just Pedagogy (2021-22); and Developing a Framework for Learning Analytics for India( 2022-24). In 2020-21, the programme conducted a weekly webinar series, Education after COVID. 

Click the following to know more about our activities:

Programme Head
Anitha Kurup Anitha Kurup
Professor and Dean
School: School of Social Sciences
Programme: Education
Room no: S 05
Tel: 080-2218 5144 Fax: 080-2218 5028
Anitha Kurup
Tel: 080-2218 5144 Fax: 080-2218 5028
Archana Mehendale
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Faculty
Cheshta Arora
Doctoral Student
Jeebanlata Salam
Assistant Professor
Malavika Kapur
Tel: 080-2218 5091 , Fax: 080-2218-5028
Megha Poonia
Doctoral Student
Sabna E S
Doctoral Student
Shaima Amatullah
Doctoral Student
Assistant Professor
Shashank S R
Doctoral Student
Associate Professor
Tel: 080-2218 5133. Fax: 080-2218 5028
Shruti Shankar
Doctoral Student
Souri Majumder
Doctoral Student
Sreedhar Vijayakrishnan
Doctoral Student
Subroto Das
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Varun Sudhakaran
Doctoral Student
Vikas Maniar
Adjunct Faculty
Education of the Gifted and Talented (EGT)

Education of the Gifted and Talented (EGT) Indian protocols moving beyond psychological measurements to include socio-cultural factors representing urban, rural and Adivasi communities to identify and mentor gifted and talented children in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts have been developed. A total of 2000 teachers- urban and rural from different states were trained. The programme has developed Teacher training manual (English and Kannada), and mentoring frameworks and resources to support the gifted children.

Review of Ashram schools of Maharashtra

Ashram schools are residential schools in the Adivasi regions that are designed for the purposes of access to education. For the Adivasi communities, separated by distance and social marginalisation, the residential schools hold tremendous importance and promise. The findings highlight the strong imprint of structural issues on the everyday learning especially the triad of health-nutrition-safety affecting the learning and teaching in Ashram schools. The analysis of classroom practices points out a number of pedagogic strategies that work very well in Ashram schools, but also indicates the struggles in English and Mathematics that affect the performance of students.

Women in the STEM Disciplines

Two national studies- 2010 (With Indian Academy of sciences) and 2019 were carried out on Women in the STEM disciplines across premier institutions, universities and industries. While the first examined why women after a PhD dropped out of science, the second examined how young girls make a career choice, the shifting work-life balance, and the professional experiences in different institutional settings.

Vocational Education and Sustainable Livelihoods

The skill gaps and the career trajectories of the vocationally trained graduate employees in the private and government public sectors, have been traced.

Other Research Activities

The team made significant contributions at all levels of education. In particular, the work on school quality, education of the disadvantaged, education of the gifted and women in the STEM disciplines has been recognised nationally and internationally. The contributions in teacher education and advocacy have gained collaborators in various institutions and organisations across the country.  

The highlight of was two students successfully defending their PhD dissertations. Ms Savitha Suresh Babu and Ms Anupama Mahajan received their degrees.   

At present nine doctoral students are in the programme. Three of them are writing their chapter drafts (Ms Cheshta Arora, Ms Shaima Amatullah, Mr Subroto Dey); two students are doing field research- Ms Sabna ES and Ms Megha Punia, and four students are developing their proposals and getting formally registered (Ms Shruti Shankar, Ms Souri Majumder, Mr Varun Sudhakaran and Mr Shashank SR).

Higher Education for the Future
Vocationalisation of School Education: Prospects and Challenges
Outcome-based Education as Janus-faced Travelling Theory: Appeal for a Broader Research Agenda
Shaima Amatullah
Learning For/Towards Sustainable Development: Reimagining Education and Learning as a Key Vertical Across the SDGs
The Social Life of Memes and Education
Quality Education in the era of New Education Policy-2020
Anitha Kurup
Changing Patterns of Work–Life Balance of Women Scientists and Engineers in India
Anitha Kurup
Identification and mentoring gifted children Ages 3-15 years
Development of Traits in Gifted Children NIAS Report
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
Challenges of Nurturing the Gifted and Talented in Developing
Indian Academy of Sciences
Math curricular framework for the education of the gifted and talented
Anitha Kurup
Quality and the Social Context of Rural Schools
India’s Competitiveness and Preparedness in Science and Technology in the Coming Decades
Emerging Directions in Global Education A Report in Current Science
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
Emerging Directions in Global Education –A Meeting Report In Current Science
IIMB Management Review
A Review of Challenges in Developing a National Program for Gifted Children in India's Diverse Context
Learning Curve
Current Science 107(2)
Little Minds Dreaming Big Science
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
Gifted with Disabilities: The Twice Exceptional in India
Taking the next steps (Meeting report on NIAS’ collaboration with women in STEM in India
The Leaky Pipeline: a Social Scientist Perspective
Measuring Access, Quality and Relevance in Higher Education
Current Science
Mapping the life trajectories of women scientists in India: successes and struggles
Anitha Kurup
Women’s Studies in Education
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
Challenges in Higher Education in the Face of India’s Demographic Ascendancy
Integrated Water Resource Management – An Alternative Paradigm
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
Anitha Kurup
A critical Assessment of Gifted Education in India
Anitha Kurup
Bridging the Communication Gap in Science and Technology
Redefining University Education in India: Pedagogy and Student Voices
Anitha Kurup
Higher Education In Karnataka
Status of Rural Women in Karnataka
Village caste
Anitha Kurup
Trend Analysis of PhDs in India 1998- 2001
Shalini Dixit
Vineland social maturity scale: An update on administration and scoring (Review Article).
Its Okay
Planning for school re-opening readiness: Approaches during the Covid-19 pandemic
National Education Policy 2020 and reinventing the possibilities in vocational skill
Sustainable development and community aspiration: the case of Chadong.
Jesus, markets, state, and the silenced dialogue.
What they (don’t) write about Northeast India in School textbooks.
Social suffering and social justice: A sociological reflection.
Vocational Skill Interventions: Dropout reduction and employability
Social exclusion and special educational interventions among Muslims of Bihar
Anitha Kurup
Challenges of Nurturing the Gifted and Talented in Developing
Anitha Kurup
Challenges to identify and mentor gifted children in developing countries: the Indian experience.
Balavana Patashale
Everyday violence, schooling and mediating institutions in northeast India
Shruti Shankar
Psychological perspectives on childcare in Indian indigenous health systems
What's the hurry
Parents Beware of Digital Demons
Human Rights Investigation and Fact Finding Techniques
Social Exclusion and Education
State, Civil Society and Right to Education
Anitha Kurup
Village, Caste and Education
Past Events
NIAS NIAS Public Lecture
Awareness session on alternative menstrual aid
Haseena, Instructional Designer
Education Programme
NIAS Lecture Hall
25 May 2023 at 16:00 hrs
programme NIAS Wednesday Discussion
A Long Road to Recovery: Re-opening of Schools and Equitable Education
Shivali Tukdeo , Associate Professor, Education Programme, NIAS
2 March 2022
NIAS Wednesday Discussion NIAS Wednesday Discussion
A Long Road to Recovery: Re-opening of Schools and Equitable Education
Dr Shivali Tukdeo, Associate Professor, Education Programme
Education Programme
Lecture Hall, NIAS
2 March 2022

The Programme continued the weekly webinar series Education after COVID, where 20 lectures were organised. Dr. Anitha Kurup initiated a collaboration with Vidyashilp University to set up a Centre for Learning Sciences which will be a laboratory in campus that will develop pedagogic practices, innovative assessments systems and faculty development in the campus. Driven by data generated by student learning outcomes, teaching learning practices, it will set up a benchmark for other universities.   

The programme completed two reports that were part of our research: In December 2020, Dr Shalini Dixit and Ms Gargi Sehrawat completed a report entitled ‘Education for Sustainability: A Study of Curriculum and Teachers’. In April 2021, Dr Shivali Tukdeo completed her inter-institutional collaborative research on ‘Education and the Urban’ and her research paper with Mr Amar Mali entitled ‘Urban Dislocations and the Politics of Educational Access: Metro Colonies, Bengaluru’ was published.   

Our on-going research projects include Vocational Skill Education Policy Research undertaken by Dr Jeebanlata Salam, paradigm shift in the thinking of giftedness among rural Students by Dr. Anitha Kurup, transformation in Indian higher education by Dr. Shivali Tukdeo and collective memory research by Dr. Shalini Dixit.