B K Bansal

Prof. B.K. Bansal, a geophysicist by profession, has served the Department of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) for over two decades. He was also the Director of the National Centre for Seismology for two years. After retiring from MoES in March 2021, he was a visiting professor at IIT Delhi for two years. Prof. Bansal specializes in seismology and seismic risk assessment. Under his dynamic leadership, the science of seismology has witnessed a major growth in the country. He has made significant contributions to several programs/missions of national importance, such as real-time monitoring, earthquake forecasting, earthquake early warning, seismic microzonation, scientific ocean drilling in the Indian Ocean, scientific deep drilling in the Koyna intra-plate seismic zone, establishing a national facility for geochronology, creating the National Centre for Seismology, etc. The Indian Institute of Technology honoured Prof. Bansal for his outstanding contributions to seismology and earthquake engineering. He is a recipient of the Hari Narain Award 2019 for lifetime contributions to geophysics and several other such recognitions. In addition to several government publications (monographs, books, manuals, etc.), Prof. Bansal has more than 80 SCI publications to his credit.