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co-authored with Jain, A.K., Mukul, M., Pant, N.C., Mukherjee, P.K., Singh, P., Singh, T., Pebam, J., Singh, P., Deshmukh, G.G. and Dixit, R. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy
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During the period 2020–2024, scientific investigations in the Himalaya incorporated various geological, geochemical and geochronological aspects of evolution of this mountain, including large-scale configuration and evolutionary models, determining of major unconformities in the Lesser Himalaya, integrated structure and geochronology of major tectonic boundaries, geochemistry and U–Pb dating of the Abor Volcanics, exhumation patterns using fission track zircon and apatite. Many Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic magmatic bodies were dated using U–Pb zircon methods from the Lesser Himalayan Jutogh Group metamorphics and Greater Himalayan Sequence. Active tectonic patterns from the frontal Sub-Himalaya belt are also worked out.
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