Journal Articles

Assessing Landslide-Driven Deforestation and Its Ecological Impact in the Western Ghats: A Multi-Source Data Approach

The influence of landslides (LS) on forest structure, composition, and functionality has gained limited scientific attention compared to socioeconomic aspects. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating the dynamics of pre- and post-LS occurrences in and around the Kali Tiger Reserve (KTR), Western Ghats. Our approach integrates multi-source, multi-temporal earth observation data, vegetation indices, field observations, and machine learning techniques.

Equity assessment of global mitigation pathways in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

This paper analyses 556 model scenarios assessed by IPCC’s Working Group-III for the 6th Assessment Report, which have an underlying 10-region classification and correspond to restricting warming levels to 1.5 ℃ and 2 ℃. We show that across all scenarios, the current global inequalities in incomes, energy use, and emissions, are projected to continue even in 2050. Scenarios also project higher per capita fossil fuel use and lower carbon dioxide removal in developed countries in 2050 compared to developing countries.

A new scenario framework for equitable and climate-compatible futures

This paper demonstrates a modelling approach and scenario framework for global burden-sharing, that foregrounds questions of climate and energy justice. We classify 134 countries into four development categories based on thirteen indicators. Using the quadratic plateau model, we estimate that an energy threshold of 94 GJ and an income threshold of USD 28,500 are necessary for meeting sustained levels of development in health, education, and infrastructure. We construct baseline scenarios for convergence to these and other threshold values drawn from the literature.