Techno-Economic analysis of solar thermal seasonal thermochemical storage for Indian Himalayan cities

Publication Details
Pujari, A. S., Majumdar, R., Subramaniam, C., & Saha, S. K. (2025). Techno-Economic analysis of solar thermal seasonal thermochemical storage for Indian Himalayan cities. Applied Thermal Engineering, 126090.
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 In this study, a modular radial flow annular reactor using the strontium bromide hexahydrate-monohydrate conversion reaction is designed for long-term energy storage, and performance analysis is conducted for eight cities from the Indian Himalayan Region, each with distinct meteorological characteristics, to evaluate the system’s suitability.  The year-long charging and discharging efficiencies are nearly location-independent, with consistent values of ∼35 % and ∼74 %, respectively. The system configuration with direct solar heating capabilities exhibits better overall system efficiency and economic feasibility, with the levelized cost of heating in the range of INR 33–51/kWh. The heating cost is higher than that of conventional electric systems but is competitive with diesel-based heating (>INR 40/kWh).

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