Power Distribution Sector Reforms in India: Role of Regulators and The Private Sector

Publication Details
Workshop Report, NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/WR/20/2022
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The accumulated losses of all State-owned power distribution companies (DISCOMs) have crossed Rs.5 lakh crore even after more than Rs.2 Trillion of their debt was taken over by the respective State Governments in FY 2015-16. The Government of India wants to pump in another Rs.3 trillion into these DISCOMs. This approach flags serious managerial deficiencies within the State-owned DISCOMs and the effectiveness of the electricity regulators in India. This report summarises the deliberations in a NIAS stakeholder consultation workshop. and the way forward for the power distribution sector.

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Power Distribution Sector Reforms in India: Role of Regulators and The Private Sector
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