V A Ramesh

V A Ramesh
Junior Executive Assistant
July 1, 2011
Tele: 2218-5057 Fax: 2218-5028
Room no

Mr. V A Ramesh has joined NIAS on 01st July 2011.

Prior to joining NIAS, Mr Ramesh worked with M/s Micron Electricals Limited for more than 18 years as Maintenance Engineer. He was deputed by M/s Micron Electricals to NIAS to maintain the facilities at the JRD Tata Auditorium when the same was under a maintenance contract with the firm during 1996-2011.

With his vast experience, Mr Ramesh looks after the electrical installations at the Institute. He is also responsible for maintaining the facilities at the JRD Tata Auditorium, Conference Rooms, Lecture Hall and e-Class room at the Institute. He provides active support in organising various events such as training programmes, conferences, workshops, etc