Dr. Tithi Bhatnagar is a Psychologist by training, a Well-being and Happiness Researcher and Teacher by profession, and a certified Positive Psychology Coach by Practice (trained with Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, USA). Her doctoral research was in the area of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Her professional experience is a mix of industry, freelance consulting, academics, training, and advisory roles. She has served in various capacities in her previous roles, for example, working with Executive Board Members and Founders, serving on an Industry Research Board as a Social Scientist, leading a University School of Humanities and Social Sciences, as Deputy Director of the Centre for Leadership and Change (CLC) and In-Charge of Capacity Building at JIBS, JGU. She currently works as an Associate Professor at the Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences (JIBS), O.P. Jindal Global University. She has trained around 9200+ teachers, students, Govt. Officials, and executives on topics like Understanding Stress, Stress Management, Performance Enhancement, Subjective Well-Being, Multiple Intelligence, Work-Life Balance, Effective Decision Making, Training Evaluation, The Science and Arts of Coaching, and Motivation at the Workplace, and Parenting. She has been a resource person for various Faculty Development Programs, especially in Research Methods. Her research interests include Subjective Well-Being, Positive Psychology, Wisdom, Psychometrics, and Leadership.
A Gold and Silver Medallist for her Master's and Bachelor respectively and an ICF Certified Coach in-training, she is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the International Society of Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS). She has presented research papers at several national and international conferences of repute and has published both nationally and internationally. She has been awarded various scholarships.