Narendar Pani

Narendar Pani
JRD Tata Chair Visiting Professor
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Prof Narendar Pani is an economist by training who takes a multidisciplinary approach to the Indian political economy issues. In this effort, he has relied on a method derived from the writings of MK Gandhi. Over the last three and a half decades, he has held positions in academia and the media. His books include, ‘Inclusive economics: Gandhian method and contemporary policy’ (Sage, 2002); ‘Redefining Conservatism: An essay on the bias of India’s economic reform’ (Sage, 1994); and ‘Reforms to pre-empt change: Land legislation in Karnataka’ (Concept, 1983). He is also one of the editors of ‘Bengaluru, Bangalore, Bengaluru: Imaginations and their times’ (Sage, 2010).  

He was a member of the Task Force on Manufacturing set up by the Government of Karnataka, 2013. 

He was a member of the Working Group set up by the Planning Commission, New Delhi, to review the performance of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. 

He was a member of the Steering Committee for the Evaluation Study on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) conducted by the Programme Evaluation Organization of the Planning Commission, New Delhi. 

He was a member of the Board of Governors of the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, from 2003 to 2009. 

He was a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal for Social and Economic Development, an academic journal brought out by the Institute for Social and Economic Change Bangalore, India, from its inception till 2009. 

He won the Citibank Pan Asia Journalism Award for 1992.  The award was given for writing on trade issues.  The piece that won the award was on the environment as a trade barrier.

Reasoning Indian Politics Anshuman Behera, Narendar Pani
Reasoning Indian Politics: Philosopher politicians to politicians seeking philosophy
Routledge, 2018
Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India.
Dynamics of differences Debosree Banerjee, Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Precariousness and suicide
Co-authored with Paikam Shihabudeen, Kshitija Joshi. In: Narendar Pani (Ed), Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India, Routledge, 2022
The shifting economic base of inclusiveness Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
The shifting economic base of inclusiveness
In: Governing the plural city edited by in Ash Amin. London and New Delhi: The British Academy and National Institute of Urban Affairs, pp 14-18.
Towards an asset-based indicator of poverty. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Towards an asset-based indicator of poverty.
Indian Journal of Human Development 14(2): 1-10
1 January 2020
Journal Articles
Towards an asset-based indicator of poverty. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Towards an Asset-based Indicator of Poverty.
Indian Journal of Human Development, pp.1-10.
1 January 2020
Journal Articles
Anant Kamath, Narendar Pani, Ajit Kumar Babu
Inequality and Human Development
Inequality and Intervention: Experience of Technology
NIAS Research Report NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/07/2024
image Tejal Kanitkar, Nithin Nagaraj, Narendar Pani, Tarun Menon, Srikumar M Menon
Towards an Institutional Strategy for the Study of Sustainability
Reports, 2020, (NIAS/U/RR/09/2020)
A Strategy for Migrant Workers Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
A Strategy for Migrant Workers
NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/PB/10/2020.
Farmers' suicides in India Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Farmers' suicides in India.
NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/PB/16/2020.
Towards an Institutional Strategy for the Study of Sustainability Narendar Pani, Nithin Nagaraj
Consciousness Studies
Towards an Institutional Strategy for the Study of Sustainability
image Narendar Pani
Inequality and the demand for non-farm jobs
Reports, 2019, (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/15/2019)
Understanding volunteerism in civil safety and security: An international perspective. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Understanding volunteerism in civil safety and security: An international perspective.
(NIAS Working Paper No. NIAS/CSS/CRE/U/WP/012/2019)
Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Inequality and the demand for non-farm jobs.
(NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/SSC/IHD/U/RR/15/2019)
Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Inequality and farmers’ suicides in India (2019).
(NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/SSC/IHD/U/RR/14/2019)
image Narendar Pani
The Great Indian GST Debate
Reports, 2017, NIAS, Number SCSS Brief 01, Bengaluru, p.4 (2017)
Can dual-member constituencies be the way forward for women's reservation? RS Akila, Anamika Ajay, Narendar Pani
Can dual-member constituencies be the way forward for women's reservation?
Reports, 2012, (NIAS Report No. R6-2012)
Evaluation of the impact of processes in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Karnataka Narendar Pani, Chidambaran G Iyer
Evaluation of the impact of processes in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Karnataka
Reports, 2011, (NIAS Report No. R1-2011)
A note on the inflationary potential of cash transfers Narendar Pani
A note on the inflationary potential of cash transfers
Reports, 2011,
The National Bias of India’s Electoral System Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
The National Bias of India’s Electoral System (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/02/2022)
Co-Authored with Debosree Banerjee and Paul Thomas. Working Paper. NIAS, Bengaluru
28 January 2022
Working Papers
The farmers’ protests prove why Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas cannot be buried Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
The farmers’ protests prove why Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas cannot be buried
Outlook, 17 February 2021.
17 February 2021
Op-Eds and Comments
The farmers’ protests prove why Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas cannot be buried. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
The farmers’ protests prove why Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas cannot be buried.
Published in Outlook Magazine (February 17, online edition).
17 February 2021
Op-Eds and Comments
Thirty years of liberalisation: Can the market solve the fears behind farmer protests? Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Thirty years of liberalisation: Can the market solve the fears behind farmer protests?
The Wire, 28 December 2020.
28 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Thirty years of liberalisation: Can the market solve the fears behind farmer protests? Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Thirty years of liberalisation: Can the market solve the fears behind farmer protests?
Published in The Wire (December 28).
28 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Thirty years of liberalisation: An idea of growth powered by migrant workers Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Thirty years of liberalisation: An idea of growth powered by migrant workers
The Wire, 27 December 2020.
27 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Thirty years of liberalisation: An idea of growth powered by migrant workers Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Thirty years of liberalisation: An idea of growth powered by migrant workers.
Published in The Wire (December 27).
27 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Thirty years of liberalisation, a look back at the various pieces of the puzzle Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Thirty years of liberalisation, a look back at the various pieces of the puzzle
The Wire, 26 December 2020.
26 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Thirty years after liberalisation, a look back at the various pieces of the puzzle. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Thirty years after liberalisation, a look back at the various pieces of the puzzle.
Published in The Wire (December 26).
26 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Farm Bills and the PDS conundrum Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Farm Bills and the PDS conundrum
BusinessLine, 3 November 2020.
3 November 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Pitfalls of a ‘K-shaped’ recovery. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Pitfalls of a ‘K-shaped’ recovery.
BusinessLine, 28 September 2020.
28 September 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Taking on Chinese firms calls for a strategy Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Taking on Chinese firms calls for a strategy
BusinessLine, 23 August 2020.
23 August 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Why the cry for sporting action amidst Covid. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Why the cry for sporting action amidst Covid.
BusinessLine, 29 July 2020.
29 July 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
The virus of democratically elected authoritarianism. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
The virus of democratically elected authoritarianism.
India China Institute, 19 July 2020.
19 July 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Self-sufficient cities, the answer to the spread of Covid Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Self-sufficient cities, the answer to the spread of Covid
BusinessLine, 29 June 2020.
29 June 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Raithara atmahatyage hosa Dari. (A new road to farmers’ suicides) (In Kannada) Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Raithara atmahatyage hosa Dari. (A new road to farmers’ suicides) (In Kannada)
Prajavani, 13 June 2020.
13 June 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Will migrant workers return to the cities? Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Will migrant workers return to the cities?
BusinessLine, 27 May 2020.
27 May 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
No place in a city that migrants can call ‘home’. Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
No place in a city that migrants can call ‘home’.
BusinessLine, 23 April 2020.
23 April 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Transition to ‘work from home’ may pay off Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Transition to ‘work from home’ may pay off
Business Line, March 25, 2020.
25 March 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Many parallels between Indira, Modi regimes Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Many parallels between Indira, Modi regimes
Business Line, February 24, 2020.
24 February 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Students tend to resist political cynicism Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Students tend to resist political cynicism
Business Line, December 28, 2019.
28 December 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
This slowdown is a fallout of liberalisation Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
This slowdown is a fallout of liberalisation
Business Line, December 22, 2019.
22 December 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
image Narendar Pani, Debosree Banerjee, P Shihabudeen, Kshitija Joshi
Ignored in Life, Forgotten in Death: The Nature of Agricultural Labour Suicides
NIAS Working Paper 11 – 2019
1 November 2019
Working Papers
Cities must be geared for industrial transition Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Cities must be geared for industrial transition
Business Line, September 23, 2019.
23 September 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
How a disruption in Hong Kong hurts China Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
How a disruption in Hong Kong hurts China
Business Line, August 23, 2019.
23 August 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
Budget smacks of a return to protectionism Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Budget smacks of a return to protectionism
Business Line, July 05, 2019.
5 July 2019
NIAS Comments
Don’t forget political economy issues Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Don’t forget political economy issues
Business Line, May 22, 2019.
22 May 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
image Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Normative and Descriptive Inequalities
NIAS Working Paper: WP8 – 2017
1 January 2017
Working Papers