Harini Santhanam

Harini Santhanam
Assistant Professor
Room no

Harini Santhanam an environmental scientist with 6+ years’ experience in studying multiple aspects of natural systems such as biogeochemistry, hydro-geological processes and land-water-human nexus from an ecosystem perspective. She has been a long-term researcher with IISc Bangalore, working in multi-disciplinary teams with a focus on water-related issues. She has a Ph.D in coastal ecosystem modelling and a M.Sc. degree in Environmental Science from Anna University, Chennai. She also has UGC-NET eligibility for Lecturership in Environmental Science. Recently, she has also been the Principal Investigator of a DST-funded Woman Scientists project (2015- 2018) at IISc.Her research interests include the use of integrated modelling approaches for aquatic ecosystem investigations, studying the ecosystem-human nexus over the land-water-air continuum and investigating short-term and long-term changes of lacustrine systems using environmental proxies.

Blue-Green Infrastructure Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Blue-Green Infrastructure Across Asian Countries: Improving Urban Resilience and Sustainability
Co-edited by Shalini Dhyani, Mrittika Basu, Harini Santhanam, Rajarshi Dasgupta. eBook ISBN 978-981-16-7128-9, Edition Number 1, 25 March 2022 (Co-edited)
Permeable pavements as sustainable nature-based solutions for the management of urban lake ecosystems Rudrodip Majumdar, Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Permeable pavements as sustainable nature-based solutions for the management of urban lake ecosystems
In: Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Ecosystems and Societies, Disaster Resilience and Green Growth edited by Shalini Dhyani, Anil Kumar Gupta and Madhav Karki. Singapore: Springer, pp. 329-345.
Harini Santhanam Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Ecosystem-based approaches to develop a monitoring framework for restoring the transitional lagoon ecosystem of Pulicat, India
Co-authored with Shalini Dhyani, and Sudip Kumar Kundu, In: Ecological Engineering, Volume 179, June 2022
28 June 2022
Journal Articles
Urban Management Harini Santhanam, Rudrodip Majumdar
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Quantification of green-blue ratios, impervious surface area and pace of urbanisation for sustainable management of urban lake - land zones in India -a case study from Bengaluru city
Journal of Urban Management, Elsevier, 28 March 2022
28 March 2022
Journal Articles
Harini Santhanam Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Assessment of Socio-technical Constraints of Marine Fishers in the Utilisation of Marine Fishery Advisories in Southern Odisha, India
Anthropocene Science, 2022 (Co-authored with Sudip Kumar Kundu)
10 March 2022
Journal Articles
image Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Saturation indices of aqueous mineral phases as proxies of seasonal dynamics of a transitional water ecosystem using a geochemical modeling approach.
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, August 2020
1 August 2020
Journal Articles
R Srikanth, Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Pit lakes as sustainable post-closure interventions for open-cast coal mines in the Indian context
Aqua Foundation's XIII World Aqua Congress: International Conference and Exhibition. New Delhi: Aqua Foundation's XIII World Aqua Congress
1 November 2019
Journal Articles
Harini Santhanam, R Srikanth
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Pit lakes as sustainable post-closure interventions for open-cast coal mines in the Indian context.
Aqua Foundation's XIII World Aqua Congress: International Conference and Exhibition. New Delhi: Aqua Foundation's XIII World Aqua Congress.
1 January 2019
Journal Articles
image Chanchal Chauhan, Aariz Ahmed, Harini Santhanam, R Srikanth, Harsh Kamath
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
DST – NIAS Sustainable Pathways to Energy Utilisation – Volume 2: State of the Environment in the Ramagundam and Dorli-Bellampalli coal mines in the State of Telangana
NIAS Research Report, June 2021
image Harini Santhanam, R Srikanth, Chanchal Chauhan, Sameer Mishra, Sujit Swain
Coal Mining and Environment: A Case Study of Dorli Opencast Coal Mines
Reports, 2020, (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/06/ 2020)
Harini Santhanam
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Sustainability of Coal Mining: Case study of Dorli-Bellampalli coal mines.
NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/06/2020).
image Harini Santhanam, Sudip Kumar Kundu
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
A report on the impacts of cyclone Yaas over a fish landing center vulnerable to cyclonic storms and natural hazards – Talsari, Northern Odisha
September 2021
1 September 2021