Debosree Banerjee

Assistant Professor
Debosree Banerjee

I am an assistant professor in the Inequality and Human Development Programme of the School of Social Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Studies. I obtained my PhD in Economics from the University of Göttingen, Germany. Before this, I studied at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, the University of Tsukuba, Japan and the University of Calcutta, West Bengal. 

I am an experimental economist by training with a growing interest in the issues of inequality. Built on the analytical rigour of experiments and Econometrics, my research at NIAS has been on the experiences and instrumentality of inequality. My recent research focuses on the aspects of poverty and deprivation, inequalities generated from the electoral system in India and the inequalities overlooked in data generation and representation. 

Quantitative Research Methodologies
Inequality and Human Development

Understanding Maoism in India Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Understanding Maoism in India with Socio-Economic Discriminations and Rebel Capabilities
In Anshuman Behera (Ed) Maoist Insurgency, State and People: Overlooked Issues and Unaddressed Grievances. London. Routledge.
Dynamics of differences Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Regional divergence in farmers’ suicides
Co-authored with Paikam Shihabudeen, Kshitija Joshi. In: Narendar Pani (Ed), Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India, Routledge, 2022
Dynamics of differences Debosree Banerjee, Narendar Pani
Inequality and Human Development
Precariousness and suicide
Co-authored with Paikam Shihabudeen, Kshitija Joshi. In: Narendar Pani (Ed), Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India, Routledge, 2022
Dynamics of differences Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Agricultural labourer suicides in a Kerala village 
Co-authored with Paikam Shihabudeen, Kshitija Joshi. In: Narendar Pani (Ed), Dynamics of Difference: Inequality and Transformation in Rural India, Routledge, 2022
epw Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Poverty and deprivation in India: Divergence between consumption and asset-based estimates
In: Economic and Political Weekly, 47(11), pp. 50-56
28 January 2022
Journal Articles
ijeps Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Conditional cash transfers to mothers, intrahousehold allocations: the role of unobservability
Co-authored with Stephan Klasen. In: International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, 16: pp. 275-296, 2022.
28 January 2022
Journal Articles
Poverty and deprivation in India Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Poverty and deprivation in India: Divergence between consumption and asset based estimates
Inequality and Farmers' Suicides in India Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Inequality and Farmers' Suicides in India
NIAS Working Paper WP5-2016
image Narendar Pani, Debosree Banerjee, P Shihabudeen, Kshitija Joshi
Ignored in Life, Forgotten in Death: The Nature of Agricultural Labour Suicides
NIAS Working Paper 11 – 2019
1 November 2019
Working Papers
Mothers' status, food price shock and child nutrition in Karnataka Debosree Banerjee, S Klasen
Mothers' status, food price shock and child nutrition in Karnataka
(No. 251). Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and Growth-Discussion Papers
28 December 2018
Other Publications
Volunteering to take on power: Experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies in India Debosree Banerjee, M Ibanez, G Riener, M Wollni
Inequality and Human Development
Volunteering to take on power: Experimental evidence from matrilineal and patriarchal societies in India
DICE - Discussion Paper (No. 204)
28 December 2015
Other Publications
Ethnicity and Gender Differences in Risk, Ambiguity Attitude Debosree Banerjee
Inequality and Human Development
Ethnicity and Gender Differences in Risk, Ambiguity Attitude
GlobalFood Discussion Paper Series.No.42. University of Göttingen, Germany
28 December 2014
Other Publications
EconStor Debosree Banerjee, S Klasen, M Wollni
Inequality and Human Development
Market Discrimination, Market Participation and Control over Revenue: A Gendered Analysis of Cameroon's Cocoa Producers
GlobalFood Discussion Paper Series No. 43, University of Göttingen, Germany
28 December 2014
Other Publications