Chetan Choithani

Assistant Professor
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Chetan Choithani

Chetan Choithani is an Assistant Professor in the Inequality and Human Development Programme of the School of Social Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS). Prior to his present employment at NIAS, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Urban Studies Institute of Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University.

Chetan obtained his PhD in Development Geography from the University of Sydney in 2016 as a recipient of the Australian Government’s competitive Prime Minister Postgraduate Award. Before his PhD, he completed a Master of Population Studies from the International Institute of Population Sciences, and a Master of Arts in Globalisation and Labour from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

The broad disciplinary domain of Chetan’s work is development studies. Within this area, his research and teaching interests include migration and urbanisation, food and nutrition, livelihoods, gender, and social policy and how they relate to development, particularly in the Indian context. He has published his work on these issues. He is the author of the book Migration, Food Security and Development: Insights from Rural India, published by Cambridge University Press. His peer-reviewed articles have appeared in leading journals including World Development, Global Food Security, Gender, Place and Culture, Economic Geography, Geographical Research, Journal of Peasant Studies, and Economic and Political Weekly. Chetan has done extensive fieldwork in remote parts of India, and his research uses primary, field-based insights to engage with and inform larger issues of development.

Chetan has received competitive funding for his research. He is currently working on two research projects. He is the co-investigator on a research project that looks at the relationship between climate change, agrarian livelihoods and labour migration in India, funded by Columbia University President’s Global Innovation Fund. Second project, funded by Australian Consulate in Chennai through Australia Alumni Grant Scheme, examines the interlinkages between migration, urbanization and food security in India. Prior to this, he was involved in two major research projects. The first of these included Australian Research Council funded project on food security in India with colleagues from Australian and Indian academic institutions. The second project, funded by Dutch National Science Foundation, looked at urbanisation and development linkages at the lower echelons of India’s urban hierarchy, at rural-urban transition zones, and lives and livelihoods at these transition places with colleagues from University of Amsterdam and Georgia State University. 

migration food security Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Migration, Food Security and Development: Insights from Rural India
Cambridge University Press
Feeding India Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Feeding India: Livelihoods, Entitlements and Capabilities
By Bill Pritchard, Anu Rammohan, Madhushree Sekher, S. Parasuraman, & Chetan Choithani. Roultedge, 2015
nias Chetan Choithani
Rural-urban transition and food security in India
Co-Authored with Abdul Jaleel CP and S Irudaya Rajan, Global Food Security Vol.42: 100780
28 June 2024
Journal Articles
Injected Urbanism? Exploring India’s Urbanizing Periphery Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Injected Urbanism? Exploring India’s Urbanizing Periphery
Co-authored with Robbin Jan van Duijne and Jan Nijman. In: Economic Geography
11 November 2022
Journal Articles
World Development Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Changing livelihoods at India’s rural-urban transition
By Chetan Choithani, Robbin Jan van Duijne, & Jan Nijman. In: World Development, 2021
28 October 2021
Journal Articles
JOurnal of Maps Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
New urban geographies of West Bengal, East India
By Robbin Jan van Duijne, Chetan Choithani, & Karin Pfeffer. In: Journal of Maps, 16 (1 ), pp.172-183, October 2020
28 October 2020
Journal Articles
Gender, Place and Culture Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Gendered livelihoods: migrating men, left behind women and household food security in India
In: Gender, Place and Culture, 2019
28 December 2019
Journal Articles
Geographical Research Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Understanding the linkages between migration and household food security in India
In: Geographical Research, 2017
28 December 2017
Journal Articles
Peasant Studies Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
'Stepping back and moving in': The role of the state in the contemporary food regime
By Bill Pritchard, Jane Dixon, Elizabeth Hull & Chetan Choithani. In: Journal of Peasant Studies
28 December 2016
Journal Articles
EPW Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Assessing Bihar's coupons-based Public Distribution System: Importance of local context
By Chetan Choithani, Bill Pritchard. In: Economic and Political Weekly, 2015
28 January 2015
Journal Articles
NIAS Chetan Choithani
Male Circular Migration, Rural-Urban and Gender Dynamics, and Food Security in India
nias Chetan Choithani
Urban and Mobility Studies
Rural-Urban Transition and Food Security in India (MiFood Paper No. 12). Working Paper
Co-Authored with Abdul Jaleel CP and S Irudaya Rajan, The Hungry Cities Partnership at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Of left-behind places and people Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Of left-behind places and people: inequality, migration and development in India
NIAS Working Paper, NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/22/2021.
nias Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Southward Ho! Demographic Change, the North-South Divide and Internal Migration in India
Co-Authored with Arslan Wali Khan. The India Forum: A Journal-Magazine on Contemporary Issues
29 August 2024
Other Publications
TFE Chetan Choithani
Don’t get old before getting rich
Co-authored with Srinivas Goli. Financial Express
23 July 2022
Other Publications
IE Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Food security enigma: Child malnutrition high, despite economic growth
The New Indian Express, 26 December 2021
26 December 2021
Why do we treat internal migrants differently from international migrants? Chetan Choithani, Reshma Roshania
Inequality and Human Development
Why do we treat internal migrants differently from international migrants?
The Wire
28 May 2020
Other Publications
What happens to the wives of male migrant workers, who run entire households in villages? Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
What happens to the wives of male migrant workers, who run entire households in villages?
The Wire
1 April 2020
Other Publications
Why India needs to urgently worry about migration caused by climate change Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
Why India needs to urgently worry about migration caused by climate change
Business Standard
25 June 2018
How will India respond to internal climate migration? Chetan Choithani
Inequality and Human Development
How will India respond to internal climate migration?
The Wire
24 June 2018
Other Publications
The significance of local power structures in Bihar’s coupon-based PDS Chetan Choithani, Bill Pritchard
Inequality and Human Development
The significance of local power structures in Bihar’s coupon-based PDS
Ideas for India
17 August 2015
Other Publications
NIAS Chetan Choithani, Bill Pritchard
Inequality and Human Development
Hunger games: changing targets and politics of global nutrition
The Conversation
26 September 2014
Other Publications