Carol Upadhya

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Carol Upadhya, a social anthropologist, has researched and published widely on a range of social transformations related to development, economic change, urbanization, provincial capital, labour and migration in contemporary India. 

Prof. Upadhya was Co-director of the Provincial Globalisation and Speculative Urbanism projects at NIAS. She has received research grants from the National Science Foundation (USA), Azim Premji Foundation, Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), WOTRO Science for Global Development of the NWO (Netherlands), and the Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development (Netherlands).

She has been a visiting scholar at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies (SCAS), Uppsala, Sweden; Central European University, Budapest; Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Goettingen, Germany; and the International Institute of Asian Studies, Amsterdam. 

Professor Upadhya’s latest publication is a co-edited volume (with Vinay Gidwani and Michael Goldman), Chronicles of a Global City: Speculative Lives and Unsettled Futures in Bengaluru (University of Minnesota Press, 2024). She is the author of Reengineering India: Work, Capital, and Class in an Offshore Economy (Oxford University Press, 2016) and co-editor of Provincial Globalization in India: Transregional Mobilities and Development Politics (Routledge, 2018). 

Upadhya is Co-editor of the Journal of South Asian Development and serves on the Editorial Board for Contributions to Indian Sociology.

nias Carol Upadhya
Chronicles of a Global City: Speculative Lives and Unsettled Futures in Bengaluru
Co-Edited with Vinay Gidwani and Michael Goldman. University of Minnesota Press
Provincial Globalization in India Carol Upadhya, Mario Rutten, Leah Koskimaki
Urban and Mobility Studies
Provincial Globalization in India: Transregional Mobilities and Development Politics
Routledge, London: Edinburgh South Asian Studies Series, 2018
Reengineering India Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Reengineering India: Work, Capital, and Class in an Offshore Economy
Delhi: Oxford University Press
In an outpost Carol Upadhya, A R Vasavi
Urban and Mobility Studies
In an Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India’s Information Technology Industry
Edited Volume. New Delhi: Routledge, 2008
Caste and Capital Carol Upadhya
Caste and Capital
In: The Oxford Handbook of Caste. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198896715
Critical Themes in Indian Sociology Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Cultures of work in India's new economy
In: Sanjay Srivastava,Yasmeen Arif and Janaki Abraham (Eds), Critical themes in Indian sociology, New Delhi: Sage
Neoliberalism Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Rural Real Estate: Empty Urbanisation and the Agrarian Land Transition
In: Sujata Patel (Ed). Neoliberalism, Urbanization and Aspirations in Contemporary India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2021
Provincial Globalization in India Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
A love for land: transregional property investments in Andhra
In: C Upadhya, M Rutten and L Koskimaki (Eds). Provincial globalization in India: transregional mobilities and development politics, London: Routledge
Introduction: Transregional mobilities and provincial transitions in India Carol Upadhya, Leah Koskimaki
Urban and Mobility Studies
Introduction: Transregional mobilities and provincial transitions in India
In: C Upadhya, M Rutten and L Koskimaki (Eds), Provincial globalization in India: Transregional mobilities and development politics. London: Routledge
Urban Asias Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Capitalizing on the Future: Negotiating Planned Urbanization in South India
In: Tim Bunnell & Daniel PS Goh (Eds). Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present, pp 169-182. Berlin: JOVIS Publishers
Ghurye, Govind Sadashiv (1893–1983) Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Ghurye, Govind Sadashiv (1893–1983)
In: The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd
Employment, exclusion and ‘merit’ in the Indian IT industry Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Employment, exclusion and ‘merit’ in the Indian IT industry
In: Satish Deshpande (Ed). The Problem of Caste: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly, pp. 141-151
Return of the ‘Global Indian’: Software professionals and the worlding of Bangalore Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Return of the ‘Global Indian’: Software professionals and the worlding of Bangalore
In: Xiang Biao, Brenda Yeoh and Mika Toyota (Eds). Nationalizing transnational mobility in Asia. Duke University Press, Durham, pp. 141-161
Shrink-wrapped souls: Managing the self in India’s new economy Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Shrink-wrapped souls: Managing the self in India’s new economy
In: Nandini Gooptu (Ed). Enterprise culture in neoliberal India: Studies in youth, class, work and media, pp. 93-108
Colonial anthropology, law, and adivasi struggles: The case of Jharkhand Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Colonial anthropology, law, and adivasi struggles: The case of Jharkhand
In: Doing sociology in India, Sujata Patel (Ed). New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 266–289
Software and the 'New' middle class in the 'New India' Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Software and the 'new' middle class in the 'New India'
In: Amita Baviskar and Raka Ray (Eds). Elite and everyman: The cultural politics of the Indian middle class, New Delhi: Routledge, pp. 167–192
nias Carol Upadhya
Taking the high road? Labour in the Indian software outsourcing industry
In Anne Posthuma and Dev Nathan (ed), Labour in Global Production Networks in India, pp. 300–320. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Management of Culture and Managing through Culture in the Indian Software Outsourcing Industry Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Management of Culture and Managing through Culture in the Indian Software Outsourcing Industry
In: Carol Upadhya and AR Vasavi (Eds). An Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India's Information Technology Industry, London: Routledge, pp. 101-135
India's 'New Middle Class' and the Globalising City: Software Professionals in Bangalore, India Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
India's 'New Middle Class' and the Globalising City: Software Professionals in Bangalore, India
In: Lars Meier and Hellmuth Lange (Eds). The New Middle Classes: Globalizing Lifestyles, Consumerism and Environmental Concern, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 253–268
nias Carol Upadhya
Law, custom, and adivasi identity: Politics of land rights in Chotanagpur
In Nandini Sundar (ed), Legal Grounds: Natural Resources, Identity, and the Law in Jharkhand, pp. 30–55. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Rewriting the Code: Software Professionals and the Reconstitution of Indian Middle Class Identity Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Rewriting the Code: Software Professionals and the Reconstitution of Indian Middle Class Identity
In: Christophe Jaffrelot and Peter Van der Veer (Eds). Patterns of middle class consumption in India and China, New Delhi: Sage, pp. 55–87
The idea of Indian society: G.S.Ghurye and the making of Indian Sociology Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
The idea of Indian society: G.S.Ghurye and the making of Indian Sociology
In: Patricia Uberoi, Nandini Sundar, and Satish Deshpande (Eds). Anthropology in the East: Funders of Indian sociology and anthropology, Permanent Black, pp. 194–255
nias Supriya RoyChowdhury, Carol Upadhya
Crafting new service workers: skill training, migration and employment in Bengaluru, India
Third World Quarterly, Vol.45, No4, 2024.
28 December 2024
Journal Articles
Third World Quarterly, Carol Upadhya, Supriya RoyChowdhury
Urban and Mobility Studies
Crafting new service workers: skill training, migration and employment in Bengaluru, India
Third World Quarterly, 2022
20 June 2022
Journal Articles
Articulation work: Value chains of land assembly and real estate development on a peri-urban frontier Carol Upadhya, Vinay Gidwani
Urban and Mobility Studies
Articulation work: Value chains of land assembly and real estate development on a peri-urban frontier
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2022
19 June 2022
Journal Articles
Environment and Planning A Economy and Space Carol Upadhya, Deeksha M Rao
Urban and Mobility Studies
Dispossession without displacement: Producing property through slum redevelopment in Bengaluru, India
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2022
1 February 2022
Journal Articles
Migration, skilling, and employment in Bengaluru’s new service economy Carol Upadhya, Supriya RoyChowdhury
Urban and Mobility Studies
Migration, skilling, and employment in Bengaluru’s new service economy
Economic & Political Weekly 57(4): 40-46, 2022
22 January 2022
Journal Articles
Recasting Land Agrarian Urbanism in Amaravati Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Recasting Land: Agrarian Urbanism in Amaravati
Urbanisation. 6(1): 82- 103
18 June 2021
Journal Articles
SAMAJ Carol Upadhya, Sachinkumar Rathod
Urban and Mobility Studies
Caste at the City’s Edge: Land Struggles in Peri-urban Bengaluru
In: South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, Special Issue on Urban Peripheries, pp. 01-28
11 May 2021
Journal Articles
Assembling Amaravati: Speculative accumulation in a new Indian city Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Assembling Amaravati: Speculative accumulation in a new Indian city
Economy and Society 49(1): pp. 141-169
28 February 2020
Journal Articles
SADA Carol Upadhya, Leah Koskimaki
Urban and Mobility Studies
Special Issue on ‘Reconsidering the Region in India’
Journal of South Asian Development 12(2), August 2017
28 August 2017
Journal Articles
Amaravati and the New Andhra: Reterritorialization of a Region Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Amaravati and the New Andhra: Reterritorialization of a Region
Journal of South Asian Development 12(2), pp. 177-202
9 August 2017
Journal Articles
Introduction: Reconsidering the Region in India: Mobilities, Actors and Development Politics Carol Upadhya, Leah Koskimaki
Urban and Mobility Studies
Introduction: Reconsidering the Region in India: Mobilities, Actors and Development Politics
Journal of South Asian Development 12 (2 ): pp. 89-111
9 August 2017
Journal Articles
Bangalore's 'Great Transformation' - The Problem Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Bangalore's 'Great Transformation' - The Problem
Seminar 694, pp. 12-16
28 June 2017
Journal Articles
Afterword: Middle Class Activism and Bangalore's Environmental Predicament Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Afterword: Middle Class Activism and Bangalore's Environmental Predicament
International Development Policy Revue Internationale de Politique de Developpement 8(2)
8 February 2017
Journal Articles
Engineering equality? Education and im/mobility in coastal Andhra Pradesh, India Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Engineering equality? Education and im/mobility in coastal Andhra Pradesh, India
Contemporary South Asia, pp. 1-15
22 August 2016
Journal Articles
Mario Rutten (1958-2015)- Obituaries Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Mario Rutten (1958-2015)- Obituaries
Economic and Political Weekly 51(5): 96
30 January 2016
Journal Articles
Migration, transnational flows and development in India: A regional perspective Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Migration, transnational flows and development in India: A regional perspective
Economic and Political Weekly XLVII: 54–62
12 May 2012
Journal Articles
Imagining India: Software and the ideology of liberalisation Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Imagining India: Software and the ideology of liberalisation
South African Review of Sociology 40: 76–93
11 June 2009
Journal Articles
nias Carol Upadhya
Controlling offshore knowledge workers: Power and agency in India's software outsourcing industry
Upadhya, C. (2009). Controlling offshore knowledge workers: Power and agency in India's software outsourcing industry. New Technology, Work and Employment, 24(1), 2-18.
24 February 2009
Journal Articles
Ethnographies of the Global Information Economy: Research Strategies and Methods Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Ethnographies of the Global Information Economy: Research Strategies and Methods
Economic and Political Weekly 43: 64–72
26 April 2008
Journal Articles
Employment, Exclusion and 'Merit' in the Indian IT Industry Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Employment, Exclusion and 'Merit' in the Indian IT Industry
Economic and Political Weekly 42: 1863–1868
28 May 2007
Journal Articles
Community Rights in Land in Jharkhand Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Community Rights in Land in Jharkhand
Economic and Political Weekly 40: 4435–4442
28 January 2005
Journal Articles
A New Transnational Capitalist Class?: Capital Flows, Business Networks and Entrepreneurs in the Indian Software Industry Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
A New Transnational Capitalist Class?: Capital Flows, Business Networks and Entrepreneurs in the Indian Software Industry
Economic and Political Weekly 39: 5141–5151
28 November 2004
Journal Articles
nias Carol Upadhya
The Farmer-Capitalists of Coastal Andhra Pradesh
Upadhya, C (1988). The farmer-capitalists of coastal Andhra Pradesh. Economic and political weekly 23(27)(, 1433-1442.
2 July 1988
Journal Articles
image Carol Upadhya, Supriya RoyChowdhury
Urban and Mobility Studies
Urban Migration, Skilling and Employment in the New Service Economy
Reports, 2021, NIAS/SSc/UMP/U/PB/01/2021
India’s changing cityscapes: Work, migration and livelihoods Carol Upadhya, Supriya RoyChowdhury
Urban and Mobility Studies
India’s changing cityscapes: Work, migration and livelihoods
(NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/SSc/UMS/U/RR/01/2020). Bengaluru: ISEC and NIAS.
Carol Upadhya, A R Vasavi
Work, Culture, and Sociality in the Indian IT Industry: A Sociological Study
Final Report submitted to IDPAD. Bangalore: NIAS
nias Carol Upadhya
Urban and Mobility Studies
Skill training has become a numbers game
Deccan Herald
11 May 2020
Other Publications
Carol Upadhya
Ghurye, Govind Sadashiv (1893–1983)
In The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by Hilary Callan. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
28 January 2018
Other Publications
Carol Upadhya, Sanam Roohi
Return of the Non-Resident, ethnographic film by Vanaja C.
Provincial Globalisation programme, NIAS, 2016.
28 January 2016
Other Publications
nias Carol Upadhya
Coding Culture: Bangalore’s Software Industry, series of three ethnographic films (with Gautam Sonti)
NIAS-IDPAD project, Bangalore, 2006.
28 January 2006
Other Publications