Arslan Wali Khan


Arslan Wali Khan is presently pursuing doctoral studies at the School of Social Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Political Science from Aligarh Muslim University. His research interests are in domains such as;

  • Politics of Space
  • Political Economy of Violence
  • Theories of Globalization, Nationalism and Modernity
  • Urban Segregation
  • Islamicate South Asia

His ongoing Ph.D. investigation is tentatively titled as “The Making and Un-Making of Muslim Ghettos: Tracing the Linkage between Globalization, Ethnic violence and Spatial Segregation in Urban India” This study aims to comprehend the construction of Muslim ghettos in India, elucidating the influence of communal violence and globalization on this phenomenon. To analyze these dynamics, Arslan employs theoretical framework of David Harvey’s “accumulation by dispossession” and Saskia Sassen’s concept of the “global city.”


Arslan Wali Khan
Inequality and Human Development
Southward Ho! Demographic Change, the North-South Divide and Internal Migration in India
Co-Authored with Chetan Choithani. The India Forum: A Journal-Magazine on Contemporary Issues
29 August 2024
Other Publications