A V Krishnan

AV Krishnan
Raja Ramanna Chair

A.V. Krishnan is a mechanical engineer from Bangalore University and joined BHEL, Tiruchi as an Engineer Trainee in January 1976. He worked in Product Development (Boilers), Field Engineering Services and R&D for six years after which he moved to Quality Assurance and Business Excellence group after undergoing ‘One year training in Statistical Quality Control & Operations Research’ at Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai. He then worked for 21 years in various disciplines of Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Laboratories. Subsequently, he headed the “Welding Research Institute” at BHEL, Tiruchi. After serving as a General Manager in the BHEL Corporate Office and as the CEO of the BHEL Boiler Auxiliaries Plant at Ranipet, he was promoted as Executive Director in 2008. In June 2009, he was appointed as Executive Director of BHEL’s flagship manufacturing complex at Tiruchi where he served till his superannuation from BHEL in July 2015. In the EEC Program, Prof Krishna works on clean coal technologies, the role and economic viability of nuclear power in India, power flow analysis, and optimal electricity supply options for India.

Research Interests: Clean coal technologies, economic viability of nuclear power in India, optimal power supply options for India, power flow analysis.

A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal A V Krishnan
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Exploring urban water-energy nexus: A case study of thermal power plants in Raichur and Ballari districts in Karnataka
Co-Authored with Sherin S Das, Rudrodip Majumdar and R. Srikanth, Natural Resources Forum - A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal
19 June 2024
Journal Articles
Energy A V Krishnan
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Cost and environmental benefits of coal-concentrated solar power (CSP) hybridization in India
Co-authored with Kamath, H. G., Majumdar, R., & Srikanth, R. (2022). Cost and environmental benefits of coal-concentrated solar power (CSP) hybridization in India. Energy, 240, 122805.
1 February 2022
Journal Articles
image Nikhil Thejesh, Shyam Sundar R, A V Krishnan, R Srikanth
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
NIAS Transition Plan for an Integrated Approach to Development and Environment in the Power Sector
NIAS Research Report, August 2021
image Shyam Sundar R, Harikrishna M, A V Krishnan, R Srikanth
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
DST – NIAS Stakeholder Consultation workshop to discuss the NIAS Transition Plan for an Integrated Approach to Development and Environment in the Power Sector
NIAS Workshop Report, March 2021
Transition plan for thermal power plants R Srikanth, A V Krishnan
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Transition plan for thermal power plants
NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/PB/17/2020
New Emission Norms R Srikanth, A V Krishnan, Shyam Sundar R, Shilpa Srivastava
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
Implementation of Clean Coal Technologies to comply with “New Emission Norms” for Thermal Power Plants - Way forward for Southern Region
Summary Report of NITI Aayog-DST-NIAS Workshop 17 September 2019, NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WR/13/2019
image R Srikanth, A V Krishnan
Energy, Environment and Climate Change
NIAS Transition Plan for Thermal Power Plants in India
NIAS Policy Brief, September 2020
1 September 2020
Policy Briefs