World Parkinson’s Day: Encouraging Better Living with Parkinson’s

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Shaking Palsy is what it used to be known as. Dr James Parkinson gave a detailed description of the disease. It is named after him and called Parkinson's Disease. World Parkinson's Day is observed on April 11 every year, the birthday of Dr James Parkinson. The second most common neurodegenerative condition is Parkinson's after Alzheimer's, but it is the fastest-growing neurological condition in the world. What leads to the onset of Parkinson's is not known, and it happens typically in people over the age of 60. Early onset of Parkinson's is also seen. No cure for Parkinson's is known, and treatment is only to lessen the burden on the patient. It is essential to continue raising awareness about this condition and supporting research efforts to improve management and quality of life for those living with Parkinson's.

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