Interplay Between Tidal Range and Dam-Induced Flooding in Sustaining the Islands and Livelihoods in Narmada Estuarine Zone, India

Publication Details
In: Raj Singh, B.V., Batar, A.K. (eds) Sustainable Local Development for Environmental and Social Sustainability. Human-Environment Interactions, vol 11. Springer, Cham.
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This study explores the development of channel cut-off estuarine islands, focusing on the role of tidal surges and channel discharge in shaping morphological changes. Using Taria Island in the Narmada Estuary as a case study, the paper analyzes the riverbank shifting and island growth. By integrating remote sensing data and techniques—multispectral and RADAR, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), this study brings out the impacts of tidal forces on sediment convergence and stabilization. The findings highlight the critical role of tidal energy in driving marginal livelihoods of the locals while offering insights into the dynamic interplay of hydrological and geomorphological processes within the estuarine environments.

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