Tejal Kanitkar, Jayaraman T Broken promises in a warming world The Hindu https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/broken-promises-in-a-warming-world/article69156364.ece |
Rear Admiral Monty Khanna China's Heavy Lift Ship Fleet and Their Potential for use in Combat National Maritime Foundation https://maritimeindia.org/chinas-heavy-lift-ship-fleet-and-their-potential-for-use-in-combat/ |
M Sai Baba World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day Scicom@NIAS https://niascomm.in/2025/01/30/world-neglected-tropical-diseases-day/ |
Malavika Kapur Multilingualism in Children: A marvel or a miracle and yet a mystery New Delhi: Storywell Books Foundation, ISBN 9789395373432 |
M Sai Baba International Customs Day Scicom@NIAS https://niascomm.in/2025/01/26/international-customs-day/ |
Shailesh Nayak From excellence to eminence: the Indian tsunami early warning centre (Guest Editorial) Current Science 128(2): 123-124 https://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/128/02/0123.pdf |
Rear Admiral Monty Khanna China's Zubr Class Hovercrafts- An Assessment National Maritime Foundation https://maritimeindia.org/chinas-zubr-class-hovercrafts-an-assessment/ |
V V Binoy Sharing the Joy of Observing Nature: A Study of Nature Walks in India Co-Authored with Anjali Bharati, SocArXiv https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/73yv5_v1 |