M Sai Baba International Universal Health Coverage Day Scicom@NIAS https://niascomm.in/2024/12/12/international-universal-health-coverage-day/ |
Anindya Sinha Being macaque: Nonhuman ethnographies of urban India Co-Authored with Maan Barua, In: Posthumanism and India: A Critical Cartography (Eds. Banerji D, Islam M M and Sengupta S). Bloomsbury Academic India, New Delhi, pp. 75-91 https://www.bloomsbury.com/in/posthumanism-and-india-9789356404175/ |
M Sai Baba International Civil Aviation Day Scicom@NIAS https://niascomm.in/2024/12/07/international-civil-aviation-day/ |
M Sai Baba International Day of Banks Scicom@NIAS https://niascomm.in/2024/12/04/international-day-of-banks/ |
Gufran Beig Identifying Emission Hot Spots and High-Resolution Emission Inventory (200m) of Particulate Pollutants using Drone Technology in Bengaluru Urban District (BUD) Gufran Beig, Jitin Jose, K. M. Harshitha, I. Behera, P. Mangaraj, U. Hussain, D. James, and R. Srikanth. NIAS, Bangalore, EMPRI, Govt. of Karnataka, 2024. |
D.N. Gupta Innovation and Institutional Development for Public Policy: Complexity Theory, Design Thinking and System Dynamics Application Co-Authored with Sushil. Singapore: Springer 2024 https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-3663-8 |
M B Rajani Archaeological landscape of Thotlakonda and Bavikonda near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh: insights from remote sensing and GIS analysis CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 127, NO. 10 https://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/127/10/1180.pdf |
Sayan Banerjee Creating constellations of coexistence through connections between people in human–wildlife conflict areas Green, A. R., Chakrabarti, S., Shivakumar, S., Hughes, C., Banerjee, S., Kinyanjui, M. W., ... & Thiemkey, A. R. (2024). Conservation Biology, 38(6), e14402. https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.14402 |