Sub Maj & Hony Lt., C. Arul Anand (Retd) joined NIAS, Bangalore on 01 April 2024. Prior to joining NIAS, he has served in the Indian Army (Corps of Engineers) for 32 years 08 months and superannuated from service on 29 February 2024. He holds a Bachelor Degree in English Literature from Madurai Kamaraj University.
The prominent appointments tenated by him during his career in Indian Army includes Head Clerk of an Engineer Regiment, Office Superintendent and Asst. Administrative Officer in Military Engineering Services (Ministry of Defence). In his distinguished and illustrious military career spanning almost 33 years, he has the distinction of serving in various operational areas like Op Rakshak (J&K), Op Parakram and Op Rhino.
As Office Manager, his duties involve supervision of Admin office/support staff, handling of petty cash expenses, maintaining office files/documents, and personal records, leave register and providing various facilities for the day-to-day functioning of the Institute. He is also responsible for managing security staff and contract Labours as well as Institute infrastructure. In addition to the above, he is responsible for providing logistic support, which is required in conducting various events/programmes being conducted at the Institute. He executes the works under the guidance of Head-Administration.