Srikumar M Menon

Associate Professor
Room no
F 33
Srikumar Menon

Dr. Srikumar M. Menon is an architect specializing in ancient and early architecture of the Indian subcontinent. After graduating from the Department of Architecture, T. K. M. College of Engineering in 1993, Srikumar spent 6 years in architectural practice at Bangalore as well as research on the design of astronomical observatories at the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, before taking up teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, Manipal Institute of Technology, at Manipal. After teaching at Manipal for 15 years, he moved to the National Institute of Advanced Studies, where he is works as Associate Professor currently.

Srikumar’s academic interests focus on ancient architecture – prehistoric monuments, as well as later monuments, such as stupas and temples. His Ph. D. investigated Indian megaliths for possible intentional astronomical alignments and he was awarded the Prof. D. S. Achyutha Rao Memorial History Research Fellowship for the same, in 2007. Subsequently (2012-14), he was also awarded the Homi Bhabha Fellowship for studying “Ancient Landscapes of South India.” Under this project, he has studied the sites of the Malaprabha Valley, Hampi-Hire Benakal region and the Sannati-Sirival region, all in northern Karnataka, leading to deep insights about the continuity of commemorative traditions from prehistoric to later times, and the influence of prehistoric architecture on later monuments. He is the author of two books – Ancient Stone Riddles: Megaliths of the Indian Subcontinent and Comets: Nomads of the Solar System, both published by Manipal University Press.

Currently, in addition to continuing his work on megaliths and archaeoastronomy, Srikumar is also engaged in efforts to understand evolution of principles of construction and stone-working in early temple architecture, and the practice of architecture in Early Historic to Medieval Periods in India, including tracking early artisans of ancient India.

nias Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
God on the hill and other stories
Storywell Books, New Delhi. ISBN 9789395373234
perspectives Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Perspectives on Early Astronomy in Indian Context
Co-authored with Vahia M.N and Yadav N. National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delh
nomads on the solar system Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Comets: Nomads of the Solar System
Manipal University Press
ancient stones riddles Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Ancient Stone Riddles: Megaliths of the Indian Subcontinent
Manipal University Press
Tusks of wisdom: The elephant in the Buddhist art of Kanaganahalli Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Tusks of wisdom: The elephant in the Buddhist art of Kanaganahalli
Co-Authored with Anindya Sinha, Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (Eds. Láine N, Rahmat K and Kiel P). IRD Editions, Montpellier, France, pp. 123-135.
The Megaliths of Peninsular India and Their Possible Connection with Astronomy Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Megaliths of Peninsular India and Their Possible Connection with Astronomy
Yunli, S. and Longfei, C. (eds.) Astronomical Heritages in Asia-Pacific Areas: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Oriental Astronomy. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press (198-206).
Possible Infuences of India on Southeast Asian Astronomy: A Brief Review of the Archaeoastronomical Record Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Possible Infuences of India on Southeast Asian Astronomy: A Brief Review of the Archaeoastronomical Record
Co-authored with Vahia M .N. In Orchiston, W. and Vahia, M. N. (eds.) Exploring the History of Southeast Asian Astronomy A Review of Current Projects and Future Prospects and Possibilities. Switzerland, Springer, 601-634
Flux and Continuity in Monument-Building Traditions in South India Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Flux and Continuity in Monument-Building Traditions in South India
In Murphy, J. M. A. (Ed.) Rituals, Collapse and Radical Transformation in Archaic States. 161-184. London and New York, Routledge.
ReStandards, Spatial Framework and Technologies for National GIS Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
ReStandards, Spatial Framework and Technologies for National GIS
In: New Facets of Indian Art, Architecture and Epigraphy (Essays in honour of Prof. S. L. Shantakumari) edited by C.B. Patil, S.V. Padigar and Shivananda. Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan, pp 66-75.
Replicating the mountain: The case of temple shikharas In: New Facets of Indian Art, Architecture and Epigraphy (Essays in honour of Prof. S. L. Shantakumari) edited by C. B. Patil, Shrinivas V. Padigar, and V. Shivanand. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Replicating the mountain: The case of temple shikharas In: New Facets of Indian Art, Architecture and Epigraphy (Essays in honour of Prof. S. L. Shantakumari) edited by C. B. Patil, Shrinivas V. Padigar, and V. Shivanand.
Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan, pp. 66-75.
From Megaliths to Temples: Astronomy in the Lithic Record of South India Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
From Megaliths to Temples: Astronomy in the Lithic Record of South India
In Orchiston, W., Sule, A. and Vahia, M. (eds.) The Growth and Development of Astronomy and Astrophysics in India and the Asia-Pacific Region. Singapore, Springer, 433-461
Megaliths and Later Monuments Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megaliths and Later Monuments
In Kadambi, H. and Prasanna, D. A. (Eds.) Ancient India: Identities, Boundaries and Cultural Practices, Manipal Universal Press, Manipal, 2019, 137-192
Variants on a theme: A comparison of five dolmens of the hire Benakal type Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Variants on a theme: A comparison of five dolmens of the hire Benakal type
In: The Archaeology of Burials: Examples from Indian Subcontinent edited by Rajesh S.V., Abhayan G.S., Ajit Kumar and Ebsan Rahmath Ilahi. New Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation, pp. 361-395.
In search of a mythical artisan: Tracking the Jakanachari legend of Karnataka Srikumar M Menon, G Apoorva
Heritage Science and Society
In search of a mythical artisan: Tracking the Jakanachari legend of Karnataka
In: Human and Heritage: An Archaeological Spectrum of Asiatic Countries edited by S.V. Rajesh New Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation, pp. 497-524.
Megaliths: New Perspectives for Future Studies Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megaliths: New Perspectives for Future Studies
In Korisettar, R. (Ed.) Beyond Stones and More Stones, Vol. II, 2018, Mythic Society, Bengaluru pp. 208-256
Megalithic Astronomy in India Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic Astronomy in India
In Ramasubramanian, K., Sule, A. and Vahia, M. N. (Eds.) History of Indian Astronomy – A Handbook IIT Bombay and TIFR Mumbai, 63-83
Roots of Indian Astronomy Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Roots of Indian Astronomy
Co-authored with Vahia M. N., Yadav N. In Ramasubramanian, K., Sule, A. and Vahia, M. N. (Ed.) History of Indian Astronomy – A Handbook IIT Bombay and TIFR Mumbai, 1-43
Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Earliest Monuments: Protohistoric Antecedents for Later Monumental Traditions?
In Padigar, S. V. (Ed.) Commemorative Volume for International Museums Day 2015
Megalithic Astronomy in the Indian Subcontinent Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic Astronomy in the Indian Subcontinent
Co-authored with Vahia, M. N. and Rao, K.In Basa K. K, Mohanty, R. K. and Ota, S. B(eds)Megalithic Traditions in India: Archaeology and Ethnography, Aryan Books International, New Delhi
Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Built Environment
Co-authored with Soans N. In Pani, N., Radhakrishna S. and Bhat K. G. (ed.) Imaginations and Their Times (2009) Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd
Burial Markers or Ancient Observatories? Indian Megaliths and the Archaeoastronomy Debate Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Burial Markers or Ancient Observatories? Indian Megaliths and the Archaeoastronomy Debate
In Korisettar, R. (Ed.) Beyond Stones and More Stones, Vol. III, (In press), Mythic Society, Bengaluru
In search of a mythical artisan: Tracking the Jakanachari legend of Karnataka Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
In Search of a Mythical Artisan: Tracking the Jakanachari Legend of Karnataka
Co-authored with Apoorva G. In Rajesh S. V., Abhayan G. S., Preeta Nayar and Ehsan Rahmath Ilahi (Eds.) Human and Heritage: An Archaeological Spectrum of Asiatic Countries (Felicitation to Professor Ajit Kumar), Volume – II, Delhi, New Bharatiya Book Corp
Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Devidhura Revisited: A Re-examination of the Vestiges of “Megalithic” Culture Reported from Devidhura, Kumaon
Co-authored with Adiga S.G .Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, XCIV: 2-4, 217-238
28 April 2021
Journal Articles
Ek Hathiya Dewal: A Rock-Cut Nagara Temple at Thal, Uttarakhand Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Ek Hathiya Dewal: A Rock-Cut Nagara Temple at Thal, Uttarakhand
Co-authored with Sudhakara G. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 8.2 (2020): 34-55
28 August 2020
Journal Articles
The Ephemeral Cataract of Badami: An Early Chalukyan Artificial Waterfall? Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Ephemeral Cataract of Badami: An Early Chalukyan Artificial Waterfall?
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, pp:364-380
28 August 2020
Journal Articles
Of Dwarves and Dolmens: Tracking the Little People Legends of Megalithic South India Srikumar M Menon, Agnihotri S
Heritage Science and Society
Of Dwarves and Dolmens: Tracking the Little People Legends of Megalithic South India
INTACH Journal of Heritage Studies, 4:1, 89-98
1 January 2020
Journal Articles
Remote Sensing Investigation of the Buddhist Archaeological Landscape around Sannati, India Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Remote Sensing Investigation of the Buddhist Archaeological Landscape around Sannati, India
Co-authored with Gupta E., M.B. Rajani .Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports: 25 294-307
28 October 2019
Journal Articles
Protohistoric megaliths or graves of chalukyan artisans: New discovery of a megalithic site near Pattadakal. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Protohistoric megaliths or graves of chalukyan artisans: New discovery of a megalithic site near Pattadakal.
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 7: 135-158. 
1 January 2019
Journal Articles
Prehistoric Painted Rock Shelter or Chalukyan Workshop? New Discovery of a Rock Art Site near Aihole and its Examination in Context Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Prehistoric Painted Rock Shelter or Chalukyan Workshop? New Discovery of a Rock Art Site near Aihole and its Examination in Context
Co-authored with Padigar S.V. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 6: 2018. pp. 529-554
28 June 2018
Journal Articles
Stories from Silent Stones: On the Shape of Wedge Marks as Diagnostic of Stone-craft of Different Periods Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stories from Silent Stones: On the Shape of Wedge Marks as Diagnostic of Stone-craft of Different Periods
Co-authored with Kuppa M.Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 6: 2018. pp. 438-486
28 June 2018
Journal Articles
Finishing the Unfinished: Conjectural restoration of the Open Mantapas at Badami Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Finishing the Unfinished: Conjectural restoration of the Open Mantapas at Badami
Co-authored with Komandur .K. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, pp. 344-396
28 June 2018
Journal Articles
Temples of Memory: the Bhutnath Temple Environs at Badami as a Commemorative Landscape, Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Temples of Memory: the Bhutnath Temple Environs at Badami as a Commemorative Landscape,
Heritage:Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 5 pp. 576-605
28 May 2017
Journal Articles
The “Round Mound” and its Structural Requirements: A Possible Scenario for the Evolution of the Form of the Stupa Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The “Round Mound” and its Structural Requirements: A Possible Scenario for the Evolution of the Form of the Stupa
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 4: 2016 pp. 26-46
28 April 2016
Journal Articles
The Astronomical Significance of the Megalithic Sites at Nilaskal and Byse Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Astronomical Significance of the Megalithic Sites at Nilaskal and Byse
Co-authored with Vahia, M. N. and Rao .K. In Dikshit, K. N. and Kumar, A. (Eds.) The Megalithic Culture of South India (Special Report No. 6). Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi, 33-44
28 May 2014
Journal Articles
The Curious Case of the Galaganatha Dolmen: Possible Links Between Protohistoric Monuments and Early Temples at Aihole Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Curious Case of the Galaganatha Dolmen: Possible Links Between Protohistoric Monuments and Early Temples at Aihole
Heritage:Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology II pp. 54-73
28 March 2014
Journal Articles
The Monument in the Landscape: using remote sensing to understand the south Indian megaliths Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Monument in the Landscape: using remote sensing to understand the south Indian megaliths
Co-authored with Vahia M.N. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 12
28 December 2013
Journal Articles
A possible Harappan Astronomical Observatory at Dholavira Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
A possible Harappan Astronomical Observatory at Dholavira
Co-authored with Vahia M.N. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 16(3), 261-268
28 February 2013
Journal Articles
Stone Alignments with Solar and Lunar Sightlines in India Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stone Alignments with Solar and Lunar Sightlines in India
Co-authored with Vahia M. N. and Rao K. Puratatva
28 October 2012
Journal Articles
Stone Alignment with Solar and Other Sightlines in South India Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stone Alignment with Solar and Other Sightlines in South India
Co- authored with Vahia M. N. and Rao.K. Current Science, Vol. 102, No. 5 ,10 March 2012 Pp. 683-684
28 March 2012
Journal Articles
A search for the 53-MHz OH line near G48.4-1.4 using the National MST Radar Facility Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
A search for the 53-MHz OH line near G48.4-1.4 using the National MST Radar Facility
Co-authored with Anish Roshi D. and T. Rajendra Prasad. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 356, 958-962
28 September 2005
Journal Articles
Site Characterisation for the IUCAA Telescope Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Site Characterisation for the IUCAA Telescope
Co- authored with Das, H. K., Paranjpye, A. and Tandon S. N. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India ,27, 609-626
28 January 1999
Journal Articles
New Discoveries of Stone Alignment and Megalithic Burials in Karnataka Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
New Discoveries of Stone Alignment and Megalithic Burials in Karnataka
Co-authored with Vahia, M. N. and Rao.K. Man and Environment XXXVI (1) 92-95
Journal Articles
image Tejal Kanitkar, Nithin Nagaraj, Narendar Pani, Tarun Menon, Srikumar M Menon
Towards an Institutional Strategy for the Study of Sustainability
Reports, 2020, (NIAS/U/RR/09/2020)
nias Srikumar M Menon
Book Review: Prehistoric Foundations of Bharata. (2 Parts). The Mythic Society - History and Culture of Bharata Series – 1
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 10 (2022-23): 796-801
24 February 2025
Other Publications
nias Srikumar M Menon
Deep Dive into Buddhas World (Book Review: Casting the Buddha, by Shashank Shekhar Sinha, Macmillan Books).
Deccan Herald
24 February 2025
Other Publications
nias Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Moriyas behind the megaliths
Deccan Hearld
26 December 2024
Other Publications
How I discovered celestial geometry Srikumar M Menon
How I discovered celestial geometry
Deccan Hearld, 9 Nov 2024
9 November 2024
Other Publications
The Original Rock Music Srikumar M Menon
The Original Rock Music
Deccan Hearld, 7 Nov 2024
7 November 2024
Other Publications
Lithic Melodies Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Lithic Melodies
Deccan Herald Spectrum
12 May 2022
Other Publications
Sculptors of Yore Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Sculptors of Yore
Deccan Herald Spectrum
12 March 2022
Other Publications
Nostalgia Set in Stone Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Nostalgia Set in Stone
Deccan Herald Spectrum
5 February 2022
Other Publications
Complex Pasts, Diverse Futures: Missives from the silent period in history Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Complex Pasts, Diverse Futures: Missives from the silent period in history
Deccan Herald Spectrum
17 April 2021
Other Publications
Eclectic Architecture, Elegant Details: The Nagara Temples of the Hoysalas Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Eclectic Architecture, Elegant Details: The Nagara Temples of the Hoysalas
Deccan Herald Spectrum
30 January 2021
Other Publications
Eclectic Architecture, Elegant Details (The Nagara Temples of the Hoysalas) Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Eclectic Architecture, Elegant Details (The Nagara Temples of the Hoysalas)
Deccan Herald Spectrum, January 30, 2021
30 January 2021
A Slice of Gandhara in Kanaganahalli Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
A Slice of Gandhara in Kanaganahalli
Deccan Herald Spectrum
29 January 2021
Other Publications
Hampi’s Granite Carvers Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Hampi’s Granite Carvers
26 December 2020
Other Publications
Hampi’s Granite Carvers Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Hampi’s granite carvers.
Deccan Herald Spectrum, 26 December 2020.
26 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Vatapi's sandstone shapers. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Vatapi's sandstone shapers.
Deccan Herald Spectrum, 19 December 2020.
19 December 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Stories that Stones Tell Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stories that Stones Tell
Deccan Herald Spectrum
21 November 2020
Other Publications
Stories that stone tell. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stories that stone tell.
Deccan Herald Spectrum, 21 November 2020.
21 November 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Vatapi’s Sandstone Shapers Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Vatapi’s Sandstone Shapers
Deccan Herald Spectrum, November 21, 2020
21 November 2020
Stories that Stones Tell Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stories that Stones Tell
Deccan Herald Spectrum, November 21, 2020
21 November 2020
Megaliths of Pattadakal. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megaliths of Pattadakal.
Deccan Herald Spectrum, September 26, 2020.
26 September 2020
Jakanachari: An Artisan or a Collective Genius? Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Jakanachari: An Artisan or a Collective Genius?
Deccan Herald Spectrum, July 18, 2020.
18 July 2020
Replicating the Mountain: The Case of Temple Shikharas Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Replicating the Mountain: The Case of Temple Shikharas
In Padigar, S. V., Shivananda, V. and Patil, C. B, (Eds.) New Facets of Indian Art, Architecture and Epigraphy , Delhi, Agam Kala Prakashan, 2020, 66-75
28 January 2020
Meet “Raya Asoko” of Kanaganahalli: The Only Inscribed Portrait of Emperor Ashoka Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Meet “Raya Asoko” of Kanaganahalli: The Only Inscribed Portrait of Emperor Ashoka
Deccan Herald Spectrum
24 January 2020
Other Publications
Meet “Raya Asoko” of Kanaganahalli: The Only Inscribed Portrait of Emperor Ashoka Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Meet “Raya Asoko” of Kanaganahalli: The only inscribed portrait of Emperor Ashoka,
Deccan Herald, 24 January 2020
24 January 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
The Stunner at Somanathapura: The Keshava Temple Built by Somanatha Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Stunner at Somanathapura: The Keshava Temple Built by Somanatha
Deccan Herald Spectrum
22 November 2019
Other Publications
Stones slanted towards science. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stones slanted towards science.
Deccan Herald, 22 November 2019.
22 November 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
The stunner at Somanathapura.  Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The stunner at Somanathapura. 
Deccan Herald, 19 October 2019.
19 October 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
Variants on a Theme: A Comparison of Five Dolmens of the “Hire Benakal Type” Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Variants on a Theme: A Comparison of Five Dolmens of the “Hire Benakal Type”
In Rajesh S. V. Abhayan G. S. Ajit Kumar Ehsan Rahmath Ilahi (Eds.) The Archaeology of Burials: Examples from Indian Subcontinent – Vol. II, New Bharatiya Book Corporation, Delhi, 2019, 361-395
28 July 2019
The Transient Cataract of Badami Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Transient Cataract of Badami
Deccan Herald Spectrum
9 June 2019
Other Publications
The transient cascade of Badami. Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The transient cascade of Badami.
Deccan Herald, 8 June 2019
8 June 2019
NIAS Comments
Learning from rural landscapes.  Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Learning from rural landscapes. 
Deccan Herald, 14 April 2019.
14 April 2019
NIAS Comments
Art of Our Ancestors: A Newly Discovered Rock Art Site Near Aihole Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Art of Our Ancestors: A Newly Discovered Rock Art Site Near Aihole
Deccan Herald Spectrum
20 January 2019
Other Publications
Art of Our Ancestors: A Newly Discovered Rock Art Site Near Aihole Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Art of Our Ancestors: A Newly Discovered Rock Art Site Near Aihole
Deccan Herald Spectrum
20 January 2019
Other Publications
32. Treasures of Tungabhadra: the Kalyani Chalukya Temples at Chaudayyadanapura and Galaganatha Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
32. Treasures of Tungabhadra: the Kalyani Chalukya Temples at Chaudayyadanapura and Galaganatha
Deccan Herald Spectrum
2 December 2018
Other Publications
An Elephantine Pageantry: The Dasara Elephants of Mysore Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
An Elephantine Pageantry: The Dasara Elephants of Mysore
Deccan Herald Spectrum
14 October 2018
Other Publications
Springs of Water Wisdom: a tank from the Vijayanagara period at Chikka Benakal Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
30. Springs of Water Wisdom: a tank from the Vijayanagara period at Chikka Benakal
Deccan Herald Spectrum
5 August 2018
Other Publications
The Sentinel Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic culture of Meghalaya may help understand megaliths
The Sentinel
11 April 2018
Ingenuity, Carved in Stone: Virtual Reconstruction of the Open Mantapas at Badami Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Ingenuity, Carved in Stone: Virtual Reconstruction of the Open Mantapas at Badami
Deccan Herald Spectrum
17 March 2018
The Rite of Sacred Bath Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Rite of Sacred Bath
Deccan Herald Spectrum
13 February 2018
Other Publications
The Abodes of Lord Bahubali Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Abodes of Lord Bahubali
Deccan Herald Spectrum
7 November 2017
Other Publications
Cradle of Temple Architecture Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Cradle of Temple Architecture
Deccan Herald Spectrum
4 July 2017
Other Publications
Hire Benakal: The Hill of the ‘Dwarves’ Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Hire Benakal: The Hill of the ‘Dwarves’
Deccan Herald Spectrum
16 May 2017
Other Publications
The Beat of a Different Drum: “ringing stones” of the prehistoric world Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Beat of a Different Drum: “ringing stones” of the prehistoric world
Deccan Herald Spectrum
29 March 2017
Other Publications
 Beyond the Tourist's Badami Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Beyond the Tourist's Badami
Deccan Herald Spectrum
17 January 2017
Other Publications
A Fortress in the Wilderness Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
A Fortress in the Wilderness
Deccan Herald Spectrum
15 November 2016
Other Publications
Heritage Science and Society
Bangalore Mirror
3 August 2016
Other Publications
The Land of Forgotten Temples Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Land of Forgotten Temples
Deccan Herald Spectrum
10 May 2016
Other Publications
The Powerful Pachyderm Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The Powerful Pachyderm
Deccan Herald Spectrum
5 April 2016
Other Publications
Stone Wonders of Nilaskal: Megaliths and Mysteries Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Stone Wonders of Nilaskal: Megaliths and Mysteries
Deccan Herald Spectrum
9 February 2016
Other Publications
A Peek into Sculptors’ World Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
A Peek into Sculptors’ World
Deccan Herald Spectrum
24 November 2015
Other Publications
14. When Men and Mountains Meet (A survivor’s account of the Uttarakhand disaster of June 2013) Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
14. When Men and Mountains Meet (A survivor’s account of the Uttarakhand disaster of June 2013)
The Outdoor Journal
28 April 2015
Other Publications
Ancient Landscapes of the Malaprabha Valley Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Ancient Landscapes of the Malaprabha Valley
Architecture Updates
28 January 2015
Other Publications
Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Origins of Monumental Architecture
Souvenir of Association of Architects
28 December 2014
Other Publications
Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Badami: An Ode to Sandstone
photo feature in Indian Architect and Builder
28 November 2014
Other Publications
Unfolding the Harappan Mystery Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Unfolding the Harappan Mystery
The Week
29 April 2012
Other Publications
Megalithic Structures a Chance Discovery Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic Structures a Chance Discovery
Hindustan Times
16 March 2012
Other Publications
India’s Stonehenge Discovered in Karnataka Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
India’s Stonehenge Discovered in Karnataka
Hindustan Times
15 March 2012
Other Publications
The day we trekked our way to eternity through mist and clouds Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
The day we trekked our way to eternity through mist and clouds
The Indian Express
14 February 1998
Other Publications
A big new window to the universe Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
A big new window to the universe
Science and Technology supplement, Deccan Herald
20 January 1998
Other Publications
Star Gazing Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Star Gazing
Times of India
17 January 1998
Other Publications
Ancient Graveyard: Exploring Moryar Gudda in Karnataka – Stone Megaliths of the Iron Age in One of India’s Largest Necropolises Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Ancient Graveyard: Exploring Moryar Gudda in Karnataka – Stone Megaliths of the Iron Age in One of India’s Largest Necropolises
National Geographic Traveller
Other Publications
Badami: A Treasure Trove of Temple Architecture Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Badami: A Treasure Trove of Temple Architecture
travel and Flavours
Other Publications
Mission Rudragaira Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Mission Rudragaira
Mathrubhumi Yathra
Other Publications
Welcome to Manipal Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Welcome to Manipal
NASA Magazine,MIT,Manipal
Other Publications
Srikumar M Menon
Heritage Science and Society
Monsoons, Peacocks and a Little, Wild Place
ZONASA Magazine, MIT, Manipal
Other Publications