Sharada Srinivasan

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Sharada Srinivasan

Prof. Sharada Srinivasan is Professor at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru. She was elected International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021 in Archaeology. She received the Padmashri, the fourth highest civilian award from Government of India in Archaeology in 2019.  Sharada has made pioneering contributions to the study of archaeology and history of art from the perspective of exploring engineering applications.  

Prof. Sharada Srinivasan’s landmark contributions include archaeometric characterisation of bronzes of South India using lead isotope analysis and archaeometallurgical studies on ancient mining and metallurgy in southern India. These span studies on the production mechanisms of high carbon wootz steel and documentation of artisanal technologies such as Aranmula high tin bronze metal mirror making, bronze casting at Swamimalai and ancient and continuing traditions of high-tin bronze working, while she has worked on artefacts in the Government Museum, Chennai, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, ASI amongst others. Prof. Sharada Srinivasan is a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and World Academy of Art and Science.

Her awards include the INAE Indian National Academy of Engineering Woman Engineer in Academia 2021 Award, Distinguished IITB Alumnus Award, Dr. Kalpana Chawla Young Women Scientist Award for 2011, the Indian Institute of Metals, Certificate of Excellence 2007, Materials Research Society of India Medal 2006, Malti B. Nagar Ethnoarchaeology Award (2005), DST-SERC Young Scientist Fellowship, Flinders Petrie Medal 1989 from University of London, Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award 1996, DST Nurture Scheme and Young Scientist Awards and the British Chevening Scholarship for her Phd work. She was Forbes Research Associate at the Department of Scientific Research and Conservation, Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, USA in 1999 and Homi Bhabha Fellow at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore from 1996-98.  She has been a co-recipient of international awards from UKIERI, UK, (on pioneering iron and steel metallurgy), AHRC, UK, (on interfaces between archaeology and drama), SSHRC Canada, Royal Society, UK, and National Science Foundation, USA.  

She is first author of the book ‘India’s Legendary Wootz Steel’,  contributing author to ‘Ecstasy of Classical Art’, the bronze catalogue of National Museum, Delhi and co-editor of ‘Digital Hampi’ and ‘Performing on the Periphery’.  She is on the Standing Committee of the international Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys Conference.  She has been an accomplished exponent of the classical dance form of Bharata Natyam and has given lecture-demonstrations such as on the artistic and scientific perspectives on the Chola Nataraja bronzes at Royal Academy of Arts, London (2007) and with a photo-exhibition at Space City, Toulouse (2009) apart from national venues.  She earned her PhD from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (1996) on Archaeometallurgy of South Indian bronzes; MA from School of Oriental & African Studies, London (1989) and BTech in Engineering Physics from IIT Bombay (1987).

Performance at the urban periphery Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from Southern India
Co-edited with Cathy Turner, Jerri Daboo, Anindya Sinha. Routledge, Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies, Oxon
Chola and Vijayanagara Bronzes: Archaeometallurgical Mapping of Shifting Iconographies Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Chola and Vijayanagara Bronzes: Archaeometallurgical Mapping of Shifting Iconographies
Banaras Hindu University Press
 Cosmology and Nataraja Sharada Srinivasan, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Vijaya Bhatkar
Heritage Science and Society
Cosmology and Nataraja
Co-authored with, Ananda Coomaraswamy, and Vijaya Bhatkar. New Delhi, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Digital Hampi: Preserving Indian Cultural Heritage Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Digital Hampi: Preserving Indian Cultural Heritage
Co-Edited with Anupama Mallik, Santanu Chaudhury and Vijay Chandru, Springer Books
Ecstasy of Classical Art: Indian Bronze Sharada Srinivasan, Tejpal Singh, Sanjib Kumar Singh
Heritage Science and Society
Ecstasy of Classical Art: Indian Bronze
Co-authored with Tejpal Singh and Sanjib Kumar Singh. National Museum, New Delhi
Metals and Civilisations Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Metals and Civilisations
Co-edited by Srinivasa Ranganathan Alessandra Giumlia-Mair. NIAS Special Publication No. SP7-2015, Bangalore: National Institute of Advanced Studies
India’s legendary wootz steel Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
India’s Legendary Wootz Steel
Co-Authored with Srinivasa Ranganathan. Chennai, Universities Press
Pioneering Metallurgy: The Origins of Iron and Steel Making in the Southern Indian Subcontinent Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Pioneering Metallurgy: The Origins of Iron and Steel Making in the Southern Indian Subcontinent
Co-edited by Gill Juleff, and Srinivasa Ranganathan. National Institute of Advanced Studies and University of Exeter
Wootz Damascus Steel and Evidence from South Indian Antiquity Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Wootz Damascus Steel and Evidence from South Indian Antiquity
Svastik Stories: Indian Traditional Knowledge Through the Lens of Science, CSIR-NIScPR Publication, p 6-12
Scientific Validation of Skilled Aranmula Metal Mirror Craft Techniques Sharada Srinivasan
Scientific Validation of Skilled Aranmula Metal Mirror Craft Techniques
Communication and Dissemination if Traditional Knowledge, CSIR-NiScPR Publicaton, p. 30-33.
Early Finds of Forged Bronze and High-tin Bronze from Tamil Nadu and India Sharada Srinivasan
Early Finds of Forged Bronze and High-tin Bronze from Tamil Nadu and India
In Rajan, K and Sivananthan (eds). Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Recent Advances in Archaeological Investigations of South India, Roja Muthiah Library & Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai, pp 78-89.
Metal Mirror Marvel From Aranmula, Kerala:A Rare Specular Delta Bronze Craft. Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Metal Mirror Marvel From Aranmula, Kerala:A Rare Specular Delta Bronze Craft.
SVASTIK Stories: Indian Traditional Knowledge Through the Lens of Science (Vol.1). CSIR-NiScPR, pp. 8-11. ISBN 978-81-7236-387-1
Performance at the urban periphery Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Performing the Poromboke at the Urur-Olcott Kuppam Vizha, Chennai.
Co-edited by Cathy Turner, Jerri Daboo, and Anindya Sinha. Routledge, Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies, Oxon, 2022
Performance at the urban periphery Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Performing Craft, Crafting Performance: from the tangible to intangible in craft and performance heritage
Co-edited by Cathy Turner, Jerri Daboo, and Anindya Sinha. Routledge, Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies, Oxon, 2022
Shiva: Lord of the Cosmic Dance Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
The Cosmic Dancer.
Co-edited by Karan Singh. Speaking Tiger Books
The Multivalence of an Epic: Retelling the Ramayana in South India and Southeast Asia Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Ramayana bronzes from Chola to Vijayanagara times
Co- edited by Pandya Dhar. Manipal Universal Press
Key Metals and Alloys from Indian and South Indian Antiquity: An Archaeometallurgical Review Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Key Metals and Alloys from Indian and South Indian Antiquity: An Archaeometallurgical Review
Rilem Proceedings
From Temple to Mantelpiece: Changing Paradigms in the Art and Crafts of South Indian Metal Icons Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
From Temple to Mantelpiece: Changing Paradigms in the Art and Crafts of South Indian Metal Icons
Saffron Press: London
Ecstacy of Classical Art: Indian Bronzes, National Museum Collection Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Techniques of Bronze Casting
Co-authored with Tejpal Singh and Sanjib Kumar Singh. National Museum, New Delhi
Iconography of the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains: Proceedings of the National Conference Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Nataraja, Natesa and Orion: Archaeometallurgical and Archaeoastronomical insights into Dancing Siva Images
C P R Publications
Elements of Siva’s dance: Finger-printing of Chola bronzes and the Reitberg Nataraja. Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Elements of Siva’s dance: Finger-printing of Chola bronzes and the Reitberg Nataraja.
Zurich Studies in Archaeology
Metals and Civilisations Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Ancient Indian iron and steel and modern scientific insights
Co-authored by Balasubramaniam, S Ranganathan, Alessandra Giumlia-Mair. NIAS Special Publication No. SP7-2015, Bangalore: National Institute of Advanced Studies
Metals and Civilisations Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Bronze Image Casting in Tanjavur District, Tamil Nadu: Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeometallurgical Insights.
Co-edited by S Ranganathan Alessandra Giumlia-Mair. NIAS Special Publication No. SP7-2015, Bangalore: National Institute of Advanced Studies
The World of Iron Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Indian iron and steel, with special reference to southern India.
Edited by Jane Humphris and Thilo Rehren. Archetype Press
Foundation of Sciences, Vol XIII, Part 5, History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian civilization Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Aesthetics and foundations of science: Insights from Indian metallurgical traditions.
Co-Edited by B.V. Sreekantan. Pearson
Materializing Southeast Asia’s Past Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Techno-cultural Perspectives on Medieval Southeast Asia and Southern India: Pallava bronzes and beyond.
Edited by M.J Klokke and V. Degroot. NUS Press
Ramayana in Literature, Society and the Arts Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Iconographic trends in Rama worship: Insights from techno-cultural studies of bronzes.
edited by N. Krishna
Asian Art and Culture Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Carving a global icon: The Nataraja bronze and Coomaraswamy’s legacy
Edited by A Manatunga. Center for Asian Studies
Science and Metal Technology of Harappans Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Aspects of continuity in bronze and high-tin bronze traditions from pre-history to present day.
Edited by D. P. Sharma. Kaveri Books
Nature and Culture Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Nataraja and Cosmic Space: Nature and culture intertwinings in the early Tamil tradition,
edited by R. Narasimha. CP Ramaswamy Aiyar Institute of Indological Research, Chennai
Pioneering Metallurgy: The Origins of Iron and Steel Making in the Southern Indian Subcontinent Sharada Srinivasan, S Ranganathan, G Juleff
Heritage Science and Society
Telengana Field Survey: post-survey analysis of field data
Co-authored by S Ranganathan, G. Juleff. National Institute of Advanced Studies and University of Exeter
Pioneering Metallurgy: The Origins of Iron and Steel Making in the Southern Indian Subcontinent Sharada Srinivasan, S Ranganathan, J Anderson, S Suwas
Heritage Science and Society
From the macroscopic to the microscopic: some scientific insights.
Co-authored by S Ranganathan, J. Anderson and S. Suwas. National Institute of Advanced Studies and University of Exeter
Pioneering Metallurgy: The Origins of Iron and Steel Making in the Southern Indian Subcontinent Sharada Srinivasan, S Ranganathan
Heritage Science and Society
Significance of wootz steel to history of materials science
Co-authored by S Ranganathan. National Institute of Advanced Studies and University of Exeter
50 years of Southeast Asian Archaeology: Essays in Honour of Ian Glover Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic high-tin bronzes and India's living prehistory
River Books, Bangkok
 A Social History of Early India Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Social History of Indian metalcrafts: Some archaeometallurgical and ethnoarchaeological insights
Pearson and Longman, New Delhi
Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic and Early Historic metalwork in southern India: some issues of technology, emergence and transmission
Pragati Publications with Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training, Eastern India
Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Mirrors: Metal mirrors from India
Berlin, Springer Verlag
Authenticity in Art, New Series, Chemical Conservation Sharada Srinivasan
Revisiting an exercise on authentication of south Indian metal icons from Asian and Global Perspectives
Archaeology as History: South Asia Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Chronology and metal sources of South Indian metal icons
. New Delhi: Indian Council for Historical Research and Aryan Books International
Re-envisioning Siva Nataraja Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Nataraja bronzes, art and technology
Co-edited by Anna Slazcka. Brill
A landscape analysis of fortification in Tamil Nadu using satellite images. Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
A landscape analysis of fortification in Tamil Nadu using satellite images.
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 7: 195-210.
1 January 2019
Journal Articles
Traditional techniques of gold jewellery: A case study of Devakottai, Tamil Nadu. S Udayakumar, Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Traditional techniques of gold jewellery: A case study of Devakottai, Tamil Nadu.
 Journal of the Centre for Heritage Studies 1: 313-320
1 January 2018
Journal Articles
Copper Smelting Slags at Ingaldhal Mines, Karnataka: Early Historic Satavahana Links Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Copper Smelting Slags at Ingaldhal Mines, Karnataka: Early Historic Satavahana Links
28 December 2016
Journal Articles
Ultra-high “wootz”from crucible carburisation of molten iron Hypereutectoid steel from Tamil Nadu Process at Mel-siruvalur Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Ultra-high “wootz”from crucible carburisation of molten iron: Hypereutectoid steel from Tamil Nadu Process at Mel-siruvalur
28 December 2016
Journal Articles
Iron Age beta (23% tin) bronze: Peninsular Indian bowls of Adichanallur, Nilgiris and Boregaon Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Iron Age beta (23% tin) bronze: Peninsular Indian bowls of Adichanallur, Nilgiris and Boregaon
28 December 2016
Journal Articles
Indian Journal of History of Science Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Metallurgy of Zinc, High-tin Bronze and Gold in Indian Antiquity: Methodological Aspects
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
28 December 2015
Journal Articles
Indian Journal of History of Science Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Indian high-tin bronzes and the Grecian and Persian world
28 August 2015
Journal Articles
Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Of Face and phases: High tin bronze metallurgy and South Indian and Tamil innovations
The Indian Institute of Metals NMD ATM
28 May 2015
Journal Articles
Megalithic and surviving binary high-tin bronze traditions in southern India: Tracing binary bronze usage to Harappan times Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic and surviving binary high-tin bronze traditions in southern India: Tracing binary bronze usage to Harappan times
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
28 May 2013
Journal Articles
Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Swamimalai bronze casting: Chola traditions and changing parameters
International Steel Institute of Japan ISIJ
28 July 2012
Journal Articles
Jain bronzes in Karnataka: some art historical and technical aspects Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Jain bronzes in Karnataka: some art historical and technical aspects
28 June 2011
Journal Articles
Skilled mirror craft of intermetallic delta high-tin bronze (Cu31Sn8, 32.6% tin) from Aranmula, Kerala Sharada Srinivasan, Ian Glover
Heritage Science and Society
Skilled mirror craft of intermetallic delta high-tin bronze (Cu31Sn8, 32.6% tin) from Aranmula, Kerala
Co-Authored with Ian Glover. Current Science
28 May 2007
Journal Articles
Indian Journal of History of Science Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
On higher carbon and crucible steels in southern India: further insights from Mel-siruvalur, megalithic Kodumanal and early historic Pattinam.
Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
28 February 2007
Journal Articles
Orientations Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Art and Science of Chola Bronzes.
28 January 2007
Journal Articles
Marg Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Dating the Nataraja dance icon: technical insights.
Journal Articles
World Archeology Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Siva as cosmic dancer: On Pallava origins for the Nataraja bronze
Routledge, 2004
Journal Articles
Megalithic high-tin bronzes: ethnoarchaeological and archaeometallurgical insights on manufacture and possible artistic and musical significance. Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Megalithic high-tin bronzes: ethnoarchaeological and archaeometallurgical insights on manufacture and possible artistic and musical significance.
Man and Environment
Journal Articles
Tamil Chola bronzes and Swamimalai Legacy: Metal Sources and Archaeotechnology Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Tamil Chola bronzes and Swamimalai Legacy: Metal Sources and Archaeotechnology
Journal of Metals, JOM
Journal Articles
Early gold mining and jewellery: Some Insights from the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Early gold mining and jewellery: Some Insights from the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
SAARC Culture 6
Journal Articles
 Lietuvos Archaeologija Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Goddess worship and the dancing form: Exploring ritual in Indian prehistory and South Indian antiquity
Journal Articles
nias Sharada Srinivasan
Report on Scientific Analysis of Metal Objects, Excavations at Pattaraiperumbudur
Government of Tamil Nadu, Department of Archaeology
Casting Nataraja: Techniques of South Indian bronze casting Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Casting Nataraja: Techniques of South Indian bronze casting
Metal Craft Heritage of Cauvery and Riverine Regions Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Metal Craft Heritage of Cauvery and Riverine Regions
Minerals and Metals in India Sharada Srinivasan, S Ranganathan
Heritage Science and Society
Minerals and Metals in India
Co-Authored with S Ranganathan. NIAS
Assaying the eight metals of antiquity: Archaeometallurgical perspectives on Indian heritage Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Assaying the eight metals of antiquity: Archaeometallurgical perspectives on Indian heritage
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
12 March 2024
Other Publications
Keynote Lecture on Indian Metals Heritage: Some Archaeometallurgical Insights Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Keynote Lecture on Indian Metals Heritage: Some Archaeometallurgical Insights
Souvenir of International Conference on Minerals, Mining and Metallurgy in South Asia: Historical Perspectives, Dept of History, Mohanlal Sukhadia University
28 January 2024
Conference Papers
Investigating early iron finds from Mayiladumparai Tamil Nadu Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Investigating early iron finds from Mayiladumparai Tamil Nadu
In: Muthamizh Arignar Kalaignar Centenary National Seminar on 'Reflections on Cultural Development: An Archaeological Perspective' Proceedings, 22-23 Nov 2023, Chennai.
28 November 2023
Conference Papers
Sharada Srinivasan Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Indian metallurgical heritage and archaeometallurgical approaches
INTACH Conservation Insights , 2022 pp. 68-81
28 January 2022
Op-Eds and Comments
Decoding the Nataraja bronzes: A cosmic dance through the centuries. Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Decoding the Nataraja bronzes: A cosmic dance through the centuries.
Live History India, 7 March 2021.
7 March 2021
Op-Eds and Comments
Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Decoding the Nataraja bronzes: A Cosmic Dance through the Centuries
7 March 2021
Saga of the Tambura Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Saga of the Tambura
Deccan Herald, 9 January, 2021
9 January 2021
Op-Eds and Comments
Art & technology: Indian digital heritage. Sharada Srinivasan, Roli Mahajan
Heritage Science and Society
Art & technology: Indian digital heritage.
Digital Hampi Project. Culture360 Magazine, 18 May 2020.
18 May 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Casting Nataraja: Techniques of South Indian bronzes. Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Casting Nataraja: Techniques of South Indian bronzes.
1 January 2019
NIAS Comments
Indian Journal of History of Science  Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
Book Review of "Early Indian Metallurgy: The Production of Lead, Silver and Zinc through Three Millennia in North West India" by P.T. Craddock, K.T.M. Hegde, L. K. Gurjar and L. Willies. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2017.
Indian Journal of History of Science 54(3): 376-378.
1 January 2019
NIAS Comments
Minerals and metals heritage of India Sharada Srinivasan
Minerals and metals heritage of India
(NIAS Backgrounder No. B8-2013)
28 December 2013
Metallurgy and Civilisation: Eurasia and Beyond Sharada Srinivasan, S Ranganathan, Kathleen D Morrsion, Carla M Sinopoli, Rangaiah Gopal
Heritage Science and Society
South Indian Iron Age iron and high carbon steel: with reference to Kadebakele and comparative insights from Mel-siruvalur
Co-Authored with Carla M Sinopoli, Kathleen D Morrison, Rangaiah Gopal and S Ranganathan. Archetype Books, London
28 August 2009
Traditions of Science: Cross-cultural perspectives Sharada Srinivasan
Heritage Science and Society
On icons, vessels and mirrors from South India: tracing early use of tin, zinc and high-tin bronze
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd
28 September 2007
Smriti Haricharan, Sharada Srinivasan, S Ranganathan, N S Nalini
Heritage Science and Society
Fort Walls and Moats at Vallam, Thanjavur: Exploring Them Using Satellite Images.
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology (7): 195-210.