M Mayilvaganan

M Mayilvaganan
Associate Professor

M. Mayilvaganan, PhD is an Associate Professor at the International Strategic & Security Studies Programme (ISSSP), School of Conflict and Security Studies (SCSS), National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), in Bangalore, India, where he leads ISSSP’s work on Indo-Pacific, South and Southeast Asia, Borderland studies and foreign analysis of major powers. His research interests focus on political, strategic and security issues concerning India and its neighbourhood (South and Southeast Asia in particular), Indo-Pacific, foreign and security policies of China, the US, Japan and India, Northeast India Borderland and the Non-Traditional Security challenges. Also, he is currently a BOBP Fellow at the inter-governmental agency of FAO (UN).

Before joining NIAS, Mayil worked with the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur as a Visiting Senior Lecturer, where he taught South Asia in International Relations, Modern Warfare and International Politics; Associate Fellow at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), New Delhi specialising on Sri Lanka and Research Associate at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), New Delhi, focusing on Kashmir, among other professions. He also spent some time as a researcher in Canada and the US. He holds a PhD degree from the School of International Studies in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi in India.

ASEAN M Mayilvaganan
ASEAN and India–ASEAN Relations: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics
In: Routledge (London), 2021
Tawang M Mayilvaganan, Nasima Khatoon, Sourina Bej
International Strategic and Security Studies
Tawang, Monpas and Tibetan Buddhism in transition
Singapore: Springer
SRI LANKA M Mayilvaganan, Alok Bansal, Sukanya Podder
Sri Lanka: Search for Peace
In: Manas Publications, 2007. ISBN 81-7049-340-4
M Mayilvaganan
Culture and Connectivity: The Salience of 2Cs in India-ASEAN Relations
In: M. Mayilvaganan (ed.), ASEAN and India–ASEAN Relations: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics, Routledge London
M Mayilvaganan
ASEAN and India: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics
In: ASEAN and India–ASEAN Relations: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics, Routledge London
M Mayilvaganan
BIMSTEC: Potential and Prospect of Japan’s Role
In: Subramanyam Raju (ed.), New Futures for BIMSTEC: Connectivity, Commerce and Security, Routledge India
M Mayilvaganan
International Strategic and Security Studies
Life and Society on the Edge of Tibet
In: Tawang, Monpas and Tibetan Buddhism in Transition edited by M. Mayilvaganan, Nasiam Khatoon and Sourina Bej. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-12.
M Mayilvaganan
India’s Maritime Infrastructure Development and Hinterland Connectivity: Imperatives for India’s Act East Policy
In: Adluri Subramanyam Raju (Ed.), Maritime Infrastructure in India: Challenges and Prospects, Studera Press, 2018
Sub-Regional Cooperation M Mayilvaganan
International Strategic and Security Studies
India, Sri Lanka and Maldives: Shared Commonality yet Challenges to Sub-regional Cooperation
In: Sub-Regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives, Vij Books. 2017
M Mayilvaganan
Chinese New Maritime Silk Route Initiative: Opportunity or Threat for India?
In: R Sidda Goud and Manisha Mookherjee, (Eds), Sino-Indian Relations: Contemporary Perspective, Allied Publishers, 2016. ISBN-10: 9385926225/ ISBN-13: 978-9385926228
M Mayilvaganan
Making Sense of Relationship between India, Sri Lanka and Maldives: Shared Commonality Yet Challenges to Sub Regional Cooperation
in Joshi Paul et al. Ed. Sub-Regional Cooperation in South Asia, Christ University/ Vij Books Publishers, New Delhi, 2016. ISBN 9789385563935/ 9959789385563942
M Mayilvaganan, PS Ramya
China and the Changing Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean Region: Issues and Challenges
In: (co-authored with PS Ramya), Sidda Goud (Ed.), China in the Indian Ocean Region, Allied Publishers, 2015. ISBN-10: 8184249772/ ISBN-13: 978-8184249774
M Mayilvaganan
‘Defenders of the Nation’: Evolution and Role of the Sri Lankan Army
In: Vishal Chandra (Ed), India's Neighbourhood: The Armies of South Asia, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2012. ISBN 978-81-8274-706-0
M Mayilvaganan
Tigers in Crisis: The ‘Eelam War IV’ and the LTTE
In: Asian Strategic Review 2008 (New Delhi: IDSA/ Academic Publisher, 2008). ISBN 978-81- 7188-712-5
M Mayilvaganan
India’s Policy towards Sri Lanka, 1947-2007: Continuity and Change
In: World Focus (ed.), India’s Foreign Policy – Continuity and Change (New Delhi: Academic Excellence, 2008). ISBN 818990163
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka at the Crossroads
In: Virendra Gupta et al (ed.), India’s Neighbourhood: Challenges Ahead (New Delhi: IDSA/ Rubicon Publishers, 2008). ISBN 1-85845-379-8
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka: Can Rajapaksa Achieve Peace through War?
In: Ashok K Behuria (ed.), India and its Neighbours: Towards A New Partnership (New Delhi: IDSA, 2008). ISBN 81-86019-55-3
M Mayilvaganan
Migration: Dynamics and Challenges
In: Ashok K Behuria (ed.), India and its Neighbours: Towards A New Partnership (New Delhi: IDSA, 2008). ISBN 81-86019-55-3
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka: Towards Eelam War IV?
In: S D Muni (ed.), Asian Strategic Review 2007, New Delhi: Academic Foundation, ISBN 978-81- 7188-667-8
M Mayilvaganan
Lifestyle and Health Issues among the Monpas of Tawang
In: M Mayilvaganan (ed.), Tawang, Monpas and Tibetan Buddhism in Transition: Life and Society along the India-China Borderland, Springer Singapore
M Mayilvaganan, Anshuman Behera
China-Nepal-India Economic Corridor: Wishful Thinking or Regional Aspiration beyond Rhetoric?
The Round Table, The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 110, 2021 - Issue 2, 30 April 2021, pp. 250-263
28 April 2021
Journal Articles
Aerospace M Mayilvaganan, B R Guruprasad
International Strategic and Security Studies
PSLV: The versatile workhorse launch vehicle of India
Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 71, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-15
28 December 2019
Journal Articles
SAMUDERA M Mayilvaganan
International Strategic and Security Studies
Troubled waters: Maritime issues in Palk Strait, Indian ocean
SAMUDERA Journal of Maritime and Coastal Studies, Volume 1(1), September 2019, 35-48
1 January 2019
Journal Articles
Artha M Mayilvaganan
International Strategic and Security Studies
Illegal migration and strategic challenges: A case study of undocumented migration from Bangladesh to India
Artha-Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2019
1 January 2019
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
Understanding Vulnerability of Maldives and Bangladesh to Climate Change: Scenarios, Impacts and Responses
Indian Ocean Digest, Vol. 36 & 37, Issue 56 & 57, July 2015-July 2016, pp. 1-14
28 July 2016
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka-Pakistan Relations: Search for Strategic Partnership?
FPRC Journal, Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 119-129
28 December 2014
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
Engaging Post-LTTE Sri Lanka: India’s Policy Options
India Quarterly, 68 (1), March, 2012, pp. 17-28
28 March 2012
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: Genesis, State Behaviour and India’s Approach
Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 6, issues I & II, 2010, pp. 28-38
28 December 2010
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
Is it Endgame for LTTE?
Strategic Analysis, Vol. 33, Issue 1, January 2009, pp 25-39
28 January 2009
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
The Muslim Factor in the Sri Lankan Ethnic Conflict
Strategic Analysis, Vol. 32, Issue 5, September 2008, pp. 833-853
28 September 2008
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
The Re-emergence of the Tamil Nadu Factor in India's Sri Lanka Policy
Strategic Analysis, Vol. 31, Issue 6, November 2007, pp. 943-964
28 November 2007
Journal Articles
M Mayilvaganan
Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal: Problems and Prospects
Nepali Journal of Contemporary Studies, Vol. V, No. 2, September 2005
28 September 2005
Journal Articles
image M Mayilvaganan
COVID-19 Pandemic in the Indo-Pacific: How the Countries are Dealing Amidst Changing Geopolitics
Reports, 2020, NIAS, Number NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/15/2020, Bengaluru , p.110 (2020)
image M Mayilvaganan
Terrorism, Communal Politics and Ethnic Demography: Is there a Causal Connection? Empirical Analysis of Terrorist Incidents in Maharashtra
Reports, 2020, (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/08/2020)
M Mayilvaganan
Building Bridges: Potential and Policy Recommendations for Enhancing India-Myanmar Ties
NIAS Report R45-2017, 2017
M Mayilvaganan, Nasima Khatoon, Sourina Bej
Focusing The Frontiers: The Borderland, Identity, Perceptions And Imaginings of Monpas of Tawang in India- China Border
NIAS ISSSP Report: RT02-2017
NIAS Strategic Forecast 05 M Mayilvaganan
Myanmar 2016: What next for the NLD?
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 5, March 2016.
Default image M Mayilvaganan, Aditi Malhotra, Sadhavi Chauhan, Viswesh R
International Strategic and Security Studies
Workshop Report – Asia-Pacific Power Dynamics: Strategic Implications & Options for India
Default image M Mayilvaganan, Aditi Malhotra, Viswesh R, Sadhavi Chauhan
International Strategic and Security Studies
Asia-Pacific Power Dynamics: Strategic Implications and Options for India
M Mayilvaganan, Ashok Behuria, M Virendra Gupta
The Unfolding Crisis in Sri Lanka and the Options for India
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), May 22, 2007
M Mayilvaganan
Myanmar: Tatmadaw Checkmates NLD
The International Affairs, February 03, 2021
3 February 2021
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Climate Change and Coastal Development: A Case of Sunderbans India
Energy Review, Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2021, pp. 2-3
2 February 2021
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Towards Mutual Benefit: Paradigm Shift in India’s Development Cooperation with Myanmar
The Diplomatist, 2017, pp. 15-17
28 December 2017
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Time for ‘Act East’ Policy
The Diplomatist, Vol. 2, No. 9, September 2014
9 September 2014
Other Publications
Default image M Mayilvaganan, Pallavi Parashar
International Strategic and Security Studies
Return of Kashmiri Pandits: Promises and Uncertainties
ISSSP Reflections No. 19, August 1, 2014
1 August 2014
NIAS Comments
M Mayilvaganan
’Natural and Indispensable Partners': India and Japan in the Asia- Pacific
STSFOR, March 31, 2014
31 March 2014
Other Publications
Default image M Mayilvaganan
International Strategic and Security Studies
India-Sri Lanka: Battle Over Fishing Grounds
ISSSP Reflections, No. 10, January 6, 2014
6 January 2014
NIAS Comments
M Mayilvaganan
Examining India’s Look East Policy 3.0
International Policy Digest, November 21, 2013
21 November 2013
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka: Implications of Silencing the Judiciary
IPCS South Asia – Articles, #3798, 19 January 2013
19 January 2013
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Why is Tamil Nadu against Sri Lanka?
IDSA Strategic Comment, October 1, 2012
1 October 2012
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Masses in Flight: The Crisis of Internal Displacement in Sri Lanka
5 May 2009
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Will the Fall of Killinochchi end Ethnic Crisis in Sri Lanka?
IDSA Strategic Comments, January 12, 2009
12 January 2009
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
LTTE Woos Tamil Nadu
IDSA Strategic Comments, August 29, 2008
29 August 2008
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Will success in the east pave the way for peace and stability in Sri Lanka?
IDSA Strategic Comments, June 2008
28 June 2008
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Stalemate Redux in Sri Lanka?
IDSA Strategic Comments, May 16, 2008
16 May 2008
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Half-baked Rehabilitation packages would have few takers
15 May 2008
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Indian Perceptions on Sri Lanka: Changing Dynamics
World Focus, no. 336, November-December 2007, pp. 37-64
28 December 2007
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
LTTE has to change its strategy
IDSA Strategic Comments, December 13, 2007
13 December 2007
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Imbroglio
IDSA Strategic Comments, November 06, 2007
6 November 2007
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
How will Rajapaksa handle Killinochchi?
IDSA Strategic Comments, October 18, 2007
18 October 2007
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
LTTE Air Strike Redefines Conflict
IDSA Strategic Comments, March 30, 2007
30 March 2007
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Uncertainty in Sri Lanka and a Possible Thaw in Indian Perception
IDSA Strategic Comments, December 12, 2006
12 December 2006
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lanka: Between Hope and Despair
IDSA Strategic Comments, November 21, 2006
21 November 2006
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Sri Lankan Refugees in India: Peace process and Question of Repatriation
ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol. V, 2005, pp. 262-274
28 December 2005
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
Kashmiri Pandits: The Forgotten Community of Kashmir Conflict
Peace & Conflict, No. 968, February 8, 2003
8 February 2003
Other Publications
M Mayilvaganan
11 September 2001: The US and Kashmir
In: PR Chari and Suba Chandran (ed.), Kashmir: The Road Ahead (IPCS Topical Series-2) (New Delhi: Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies, 2001), pp. 17-19
28 December 2001
Other Publications