LM Patnaik

LM Patnaik
Adjunct Professor
Administrative Position

LM Patnaik obtained his PhD in the area of real-time systems  in 1978  and DSc in the areas of computer systems and architectures in 1989 both from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. During 1971-2011 he was on the faculty of the Indian Institute of Science engaged in teaching and research in the areas of computer science and engineering and real-time systems .His teaching and research interests have been in the areas of computer architecture, parallel and distributed computing including high-performance computing, soft computing including neural networks and evolutionary computation, computational neuroscience, theoretical  computer science,  computer cognition including artificial intelligence and machine learning. In these areas he has published over 1300 papers in refereed international journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, books and technical reports.

He has supervised over 30 Doctoral students and over 200 Masters's students in the above areas. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE,  Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and all the four leading  Science and Engineering Academies of India. As a   Founding Vice Chancellor of the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, he had initiated a number of programs in the areas of nanotechnology and cyber security for defence applications. After his superannuation in 2011, he has been serving as an Honorary Professor with the Indian Institute of Science and Adjunct Professor, INSA Senior Scientist and Honorary Scientist with the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS).

Currently, he is a NASI Senior Scientist and Adjunct Professor with the NIAS. For his research contributions, he has been awarded over  30 Awards, notable among them is the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Achievement Award . One of his papers on Adaptive Genetic Algorithms has been cited over 4000 times by Google Scholar. Other than his research interests, he has been spending substantial amount of his time in visiting a number of engineering colleges in the country to interact with faculty members and students, to organize conferences and deliver talks, primarily to improve the quality of Indian engineering education.

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nias LM Patnaik
Looking at Exploratory Paradigms of Explainability in Creative Computing
Kulkarni, Parag and Patnaik, Lalith Mohan (2024) Looking at Exploratory Paradigms of Explainability in Creative Computing. In: Explainable, Interpretable, and Transparent AI Systems. CRC Press, pp. 20-31. ISBN 9781003442509