D Suba Chandran

Administrative Position
80-22185142 (Office-Direct);
80-22185000 (Office)

Prof D. Suba Chandran is the Dean of the School of Conflict and Security Studies at NIAS. Within the School, he heads two Programmes -  Conflict Resolution & Peace Research; and Science, Technology and International Relations.

Pakistan Reader: Pakistan is his primary area of research interest; currently, he is working on a manuscript looking at 75 years of Pakistan. He teaches a course on contemporary Pakistan. He has been a regular visitor to Pakistan, and has been part of numerous track-II dialogues with Pakistan; he has also worked and published with scholars from Pakistan. 

Peace and Conflict Research: Besides Pakistan, he works on issues relating to peace and conflict; he is currently researching on two primary areas – “Conflict Peripheries” trying to find why most of the conflict regions are situated in geographic corners, and on “Peace Gap” trying to find why peace does not prevail, despite the end of violence and conflict. He leads the International Peace Research Initiative (IPRI) at NIAS. He is also the regional representative of the Global Partnership to Prevent Armed Conflict (GPPAC). He teaches an online course on peace research.

Global Politics and Area Studies: He coordinates the NIAS Global Politics initiative, which looks at the contemporary world order, and four area studies – Pakistan, Europe, Africa and Maritime. In the long run, the area studies are expected to branch out into independent disciplines. He also teaches an online course on “Contemporary World Affairs.” 

He works with a young, colourful and an extremely dedicated team who leads the research on area studies relating to Pakistan, Africa, Europe, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, and issues relating to Peace & Conflict, Arctic, Space, and the Himalayas. His team coordiantes “Global Politics Young Voices (GPYV)” an exclusive network of young scholars, and take the lead in publishing the following at NIAS: Pakistan Reader Evening Brief (Daily), Pakistan Weekly, Europe Daily Brief, Europe Monitor (Monthly), Africa Weekly,  Conflict Weekly, and The World This Week. Together, they coordinate the “Young-IPRI” network, aimed at bringing young scholars working on issues relating to peace and conflict on a common platform.

IR Networks: He coordinates three academic networks – the International Studies Network Bangalore (ISBN), International Peace Research Initiative (IPRI), and Maritime Studies. Academic institutions from Goa, Bangalore, Chennai and Pondicherry are a part of the above networks.

Science Diplomacy: He also leads the “Science Diplomacy” initiative within the institute, aimed at bringing S&T and International Relations together. He coordinates the BRICS-Young Scientists’ Forum.

He is an Associate at the Pakistan Study Research Unit (PSRU), University of Durham, UK.  Earlier, he was a Visiting Fellow at the following places: the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK; ACDIS, University of Urbana-Champaign; and the University of Jammu, J&K. 

nias D Suba Chandran
The War in Gaza
Co-Authored with Ann Maria Joseph and Shamini Velayudham, NIAS Bengaluru.
nias D Suba Chandran
Europe Annual 2023
Co-Authored with Padmashree Anandhan, NIAS Bengaluru
nias D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Conflict Annual 2023
Co-Authored with Apoorva Sudhakar, Padmashree Anandhan and Anu Maria Joseph, NIAS Bengaluru
Political Institutions and Conflict: Essays from Bangladesh and India D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Political Institutions and Conflict: Essays from Bangladesh and India
Co-edited. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers,2016
India, China and Sub regional Connectivities in South Asia D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India, China and Sub regional Connectivities in South Asia
Co-edited. New Delhi: SAGE,2015
Armed Conflict, Peace Audit and Early Warning 2014: Stability and Instability in South Asia D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflict, Peace Audit and Early Warning 2014: Stability and Instability in South Asia
Co-edited. New Delhi: SAGE,2015
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2013: D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2013: Transitions
Co-edited. New Delhi: Routledge ,2014
Building Bridges: Strengthening Physical, Infrastructural and Emotional Linkages in South Asia D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Building Bridges: Strengthening Physical, Infrastructural and Emotional Linkages in South Asia
Co-edited. IPCS, 2013
Inside China: New Leadership, Social Changes and Economic Challenges D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Inside China: New Leadership, Social Changes and Economic Challenges
Co-edited. New Delhi: Samskriti, 2012
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2011: The Promise and Threat of Transformation D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2011: The Promise and Threat of Transformation
Co-edited. New Delhi: Routledge, 2012
India’s Foreign Policy : Old Problems, New Challenges D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India’s Foreign Policy : Old Problems, New Challenges
Co-edited. New Delhi: MacMillan, 2011
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2009: Continuing Violence, Failing Peace Processes D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2009: Continuing Violence, Failing Peace Processes
Co-edited. New Delhi: Routledge, 2010
Countering Terrorism: Building a Common Approach in SAARC D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Countering Terrorism: Building a Common Approach in SAARC
Co-edited. New Delhi: MacMillan, 2010
India and NATO D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India and NATO
Co-edited. New Delhi: McMillan, 2009
Radical Islam and Democracy: Indian and Southeast Asian Experiences, D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Radical Islam and Democracy: Indian and Southeast Asian Experiences
Co-edited. New Delhi: KAS, 2009
The Kashmir Dispute: Making Borders Irrelevant D Suba Chandran
Inequality and Human Development
The Kashmir Dispute: Making Borders Irrelevant
Co-authored. New Delhi: Samskriti, 2009
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008 D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008
Co-edited. New Delhi: Routledge, 2008
The Last Colony: Muzaffarabad-Gilgit-Baltistan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The Last Colony: Muzaffarabad-Gilgit-Baltistan
Co-edited. New Delhi: India Research Press, 2008
Radical Islam and International Terrorism D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Radical Islam and International Terrorism
Co-edited. New Delhi: KAS, 2007
Jammu & Kashmir: Preparing for a New Beginning D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Jammu & Kashmir: Preparing for a New Beginning
Co-edited. New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers, 2006
Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia 2006 D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia 2006
Edited. New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers, 2006
University of Bradford D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Building Trust and Reducing Risks: Nuclear Confidence Building Measures in South Asia
Bradford: University of Bradford, 2005
Bio-Terrorism and Bio-Defence D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Bio-Terrorism and Bio-Defence
Co-edited. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2005
Limited War: Revisiting Kargil in Indo-Pak Conflicts D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Limited War: Revisiting Kargil in Indo-Pak Conflicts
New Delhi: India Research Press, 2005
Jammu and Kashmir: Charting a Future D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Jammu and Kashmir: Charting a Future
Co-edited. New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers, 2005
Indo-Pak Conflicts: Ripe to Resolve? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Indo-Pak Conflicts: Ripe to Resolve?
Co-authored. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2005
Limited War with Pakistan: Will it Secure India’s Interests? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Limited War with Pakistan: Will it Secure India’s Interests?
Urbana-Champaign: ACDIS, University of Illinois, 2004
Terrorism Post 9/11: An Indian Perspective D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Terrorism Post 9/11: An Indian Perspective
Co-edited. New Delhi: Manohar Publisher, 2003
Missing Boundaries: Refugees, Migrants, Stateless and Internally Displaced Persons in South Asia D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Missing Boundaries: Refugees, Migrants, Stateless and Internally Displaced Persons in South Asia
Co-edited. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2003
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Kashmir: The Way Ahead
0Co-edited. New Delhi: IPCS Topical Series, 2002
India and Pakistan: The Agra Summit and After D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India and Pakistan: The Agra Summit and After
Co-edited. New Delhi: IPCS Topical Series, 2001
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Lethal Fields: Landmines in South Asia
Co-edited. New Delhi: Sudha Printing Press, 2001
Afghanistan as a regional asset D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Afghanistan as a regional asset: Transportation and Energy Cooperation between South Asia and Central Asia
In: Afghanistan: The Way Forward. COSATT, Kathmandu.
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
COVID-19 and Inequality: The impending circular trap in South Asia
In: Nishchalnath Pandey . Impact of COVID-19 on the SDGs of South Asia. Kathmandu, COSATT
India and the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, Strategies and Challenges D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India and the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, Strategies and Challenges
In: Security and Economic Challenges in the Indo-Pacific. Kathmandu, COSATT and Political Dialogue Asia Programme, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
India and the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, strategies and challenges D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research, Science, Technology and International Relations
India and the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, strategies and challenges
In: Security and Economic Challenges in the Indo-Pacific. COSATT and Political Dialogue Asia Programme, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Kathmandu. pp. 47-61.
Implications on Conflict Patterns D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research, Science, Technology and International Relations
Implications on Conflict Patterns and Regional Cooperation Process in South Asia.
In:  Implications of COVID-19 for South Asia: Civil Society Perspectives, Colombo: RCSS.
Radicalisation in South Asia: Left, Right and Secular D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research, Science, Technology and International Relations
Radicalisation in South Asia: Left, Right and Secular
In: United by Violence, Divided by Cause?: A Comparison of Drivers of Radicalisation and Violence in Asia and Europe edited by La Toya Waha. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh & Co. pp. 141-15.
Human security in south Asia D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research, Science, Technology and International Relations
Human security in south Asia: is the region ready? can the state deliver? essay from India
In:  Human Security in South Asia: Concept, Environment and Development edited by Adluri Subramanyam Raju. New Delhi: Routledge, pp. 60-68.
Border Trade in Ladakh, Tiber and Kashgar: Premature or Political Investment? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Border Trade in Ladakh, Tiber and Kashgar: Premature or Political Investment?
In: India, China and Sub regional Connectivities in South Asia ,SAGE: New Delhi
Bridging the Karakoram: From Ladakh, Tibet and Kashgar to further west D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Bridging the Karakoram: From Ladakh, Tibet and Kashgar to further west
In: India, China and Sub regional Connectivities in South Asia , SAGE: New Delhi
Armed Conflicts and Political Parties in India: Enablers, Detractors and the Road Ahead D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts and Political Parties in India: Enablers, Detractors and the Road Ahead
In: Political Institutions and Conflict: Essays from Bangladesh and India ,Manohar Publishers: New Delhi
Armed Conflicts in Pakistan 2013: Continuing Violence D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Armed Conflicts in Pakistan 2013: Continuing Violence despite Changes in Leadership
Armed Conflict, Peace Audit and Early Warning 2014: Stability and Instability in South Asia, New Delhi: SAGE, 2014, pp.53-72
Peace Audit: Between Armed Conflict and Positive Peace D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Peace Audit: Between Armed Conflict and Positive Peace
In: Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012: Uneasy Stasis and Fragile Peace, New Delhi: Routledge, 2013. pp. 133-14
State, Society and Talks with Taliban: Everywhere and Nowhere D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
State, Society and Talks with Taliban: Everywhere and Nowhere
In: Armed Conflict, Peace Audit and Early Warning 2014: Stability and Instability in South Asia, New Delhi: SAGE, 2014, pp.290- 306
FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
In: Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012: Uneasy Stasis and Fragile Peace ,New Delhi: Routledge, 2013, 50-74
The rise and decline of armed non-state actors: The Kashmir experience D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The rise and decline of armed non-state actors: The Kashmir experience
In: Arpita Anant ed., Non-State armed groups in South Asia: A preliminary structured focused comparison, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2012, pp. 351-362.
Lashkar-e-Toiba D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
In: Arpita Anant ed., Non-State armed groups in South Asia: A preliminary structured focused comparison, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2012, pp. 245-262
Prospects for Autonomy in Jammu and Kashmir D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Prospects for Autonomy in Jammu and Kashmir
In: Rajat Ganguly ed., Autonomy and Ethnic Conflict in South and South-East Asia, London: Routledge, 2012 pp. 08-26.
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Countering Terrorism: Perspectives from India
In:Dipankar Banerjee et al (eds)  Countering Terrorism: Building a Common Approach in SAARC New Delhi: MacMillan
FATA &NWFP: Spreading Anarchy D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
FATA &NWFP: Spreading Anarchy
In: D. Suba Chandran and PR Chari, eds., Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2009: Continuing Violence, Failing Peace Processes New Delhi: Routledge, 2010. pp.62- 82
Sectarian Violence in Northern Areas D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Sectarian Violence in Northern Areas
In: P Stobdan and Suba Chandran eds., The Last Colony: Muzaffarabad-Gilgit-Baltistan (New Delhi: India Research Press
J&K D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
In: D. Suba Chandran and PR Chari, eds., Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008 (New Delhi: Routledge) pp.83-102.
J&K: From Militancy to Jihad D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
J&K: From Militancy to Jihad
In: D. Suba Chandran and PR Chari, eds., Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008 ,New Delhi: Routledge, pp.92-117.
Pakistan: The War of Tribes D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan: The War of Tribes
In: in D. Suba Chandran and PR Chari, eds., Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008 New Delhi: Routledge, pp.71-91
Northern Areas: Myths, Facts and Politics D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Northern Areas: Myths, Facts and Politics
In: P Stobdan and Suba Chandran eds., The Last Colony: Muzaffarabad-Gilgit-Baltistan New Delhi: India Research Press pp. 177-202
Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia 2006 D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
J&K: Infiltration Declines, Violence persists
In: D Suba Chandran ed., Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia 2006 New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers, 2006 pp. 30-65
Intra-State Armed Conflicts in South Asia: Impact on Regional Security D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Intra-State Armed Conflicts in South Asia: Impact on Regional Security
In: Dev Raj Dahal and Nishchal Nath Pandey, eds., Comprehensive Security in South Asia (New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2006)  pp. 159-175
kashmir D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India and Armed Nonstate Actors in the Kashmir Conflict
In: WPS Sidhu et al, ed., Kashmir: New Voices, New Approaches Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006 pp. 80-107
Jihadis Regroup: Post Earthquake Changes inside PoK D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Jihadis Regroup: Post Earthquake Changes inside PoK
In: Dipankar Banerjee & Suba Chandran,ed.,Jammu & Kashmir: Preparing for a New Beginning, New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers
Pakistan: Tribal Troubles in Balochistan and Waziristan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan: Tribal Troubles in Balochistan and Waziristan
D Suba Chandran ed., Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia 2006 New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers, 2006 pp. 159- 179
Non State Actors in South Asia: Who will Use Bio Weapons and Against Whom D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Non State Actors in South Asia: Who will Use Bio Weapons and Against Whom
In: PR Chari and Suba Chandran eds., Bio-Defence and Bio-Terrorism New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 143-162
Suicide terrorism: An Enquiry D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Suicide terrorism: An Enquiry
In: A Subramanyam Raju ed., Terrorism in South Asia New Delhi: India Research Press, 2004 pp.219-230
Refugees in South Asia: Security Threat or a Security Tool D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Refugees in South Asia: Security Threat or a Security Tool
In: PR Chari et al, ed., Missing Boundaries: Refugees, Migrants, Stateless and Internally Displaced Persons in South Asia, New Delhi: Manohar Publishers, pp. 151-172
Kargil: The Tables Turned D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Why Kargil ? Pakistan's Objectives and Motivations
In: Maj. Gen. Ashok Krishna and P R Chari eds., Kargil: Tables Turned (New Delhi: Manohar Publishers) 2001 pp. 23-38
Role of the United States: Mediator or Mere Facilitator? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Role of the United States: Mediator or Mere Facilitator?
In: Maj. Gen. Ashok Krishna and P R Chari eds., Kargil: Tables Turned (New Delhi: Manohar Publishers) 2001 pp. 205-220
The Return to Purana Pakistan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The Return to Purana Pakistan
Geopolitics, pp. 28-33, Vol XII, Issue XII
28 May 2022
Journal Articles
Pakistan in the 2020s: Complicated history haunts its present and the future D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan in the 2020s: Complicated history haunts its present and the future
India Quarterly, Vol 78, No.1
28 March 2022
Journal Articles
Arctic: why India should pursue the North Pole from a science and technology perspective? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Arctic: why India should pursue the North Pole from a science and technology perspective?
Co-authored with Shailesh Nayak. Current Science, 119 (6). pp. 901-904, 2020
28 October 2020
Journal Articles
Current Science D Suba Chandran, Shailesh Nayak
Science, Technology and International Relations
Arctic: Why India should pursue the north pole from a science and technology perspective?
Current Science 119(6): 901-904.
1 January 2020
Journal Articles
India and Sri Lanka: Two Countries, Four Verticals D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India and Sri Lanka: Two Countries, Four Verticals
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol.14, No.1, pp 37-43
28 March 2019
Journal Articles
D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
India and Sri Lanka: Two countries, four vehicles.
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal (Jan-Mar), 14(1).
1 January 2019
Journal Articles
Pakistan: The Sectarian Expanse D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan: The Sectarian Expanse
Faultline 21
28 April 2018
Journal Articles
The New Government & India’s Foreign Policy: Old Issues, Firmer Resolve D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The New Government & India’s Foreign Policy: Old Issues, Firmer Resolve
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol.9, No.3
28 September 2014
Journal Articles
The New Great Instability: Afghanistan after the American Exit D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The New Great Instability: Afghanistan after the American Exit
Journal of Defence Studies, Vol.4, No.4, pp.128-137
28 October 2010
Journal Articles
India’s Disaster Relief Diplomacy D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India’s Disaster Relief Diplomacy
Co-authored with N. Manoharan, Vibhanshu Shekhar, Jabin T. Jacob, Raghav Sharma and Sandeep Bhardwaj. Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol.4, No.2, April-June 2009, pp. 63-80
28 June 2009
Journal Articles
Soft, Porous or Rigid? Towards Stable Borders in South Asia D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Soft, Porous or Rigid? Towards Stable Borders in South Asia
Co-authored with P G Rajamohan. South Asian Survey, Vol. 14, No. 1, 117-128
28 June 2007
Journal Articles
Balochistan: Is the Insurgency slowing down? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Balochistan: Is the Insurgency slowing down?
Security and Society, Vol.2, No.2, pp.157-168
28 December 2006
Journal Articles
Pakistan’s Endgame in Kashmir: India’s Options D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan’s Endgame in Kashmir: India’s Options
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol.1, No.3, pp. 85-103
28 September 2006
Journal Articles
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Conflict in Kashmir: A Profile
Peace Initiatives, Vol. 6 no. 4-6, pp. 1-23
28 December 2000
Journal Articles
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The idea of Afghanistan, and its challenges
The Book Review
Left-wing Extremism in India: Another Maoist ambush in Chhattisgarh: Lessons from a Failure D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Left-wing Extremism in India: Another Maoist ambush in Chhattisgarh: Lessons from a Failure
IPRI # 3
D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
NIAS Quarterly on contemporary world affairs.
Vol 2, Issue 1, January-March 2020. Special focus – 2019; A global review, Strategic forecasts 2020. (NIAS P ublic Lecture No. NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/PL/03/2020).
D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
NIAS Quarterly on contemporary world affairs.
Vol 1, Issue 1, July 2019. Special focus – The US-China trade conflict. The RBI Summit 2.0, The Trump-Kim Summit. (NIAS Public Lecture No. NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/PL/NQ/01/2019).
image D Suba Chandran
International Strategic and Security Studies
NIAS Strategic Forecast # 22 "Pakistan Elections 2018: Likely Winners, Runners and Losers
Reports, 2018
US-Pak Relations: What has Changed? What hasn’t? and What is unlikely to Change? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
US-Pak Relations: What has Changed? What hasn’t? and What is unlikely to Change?
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 21
image D Suba Chandran
NIAS Strategic Forecast # 21: US-Pakistan Relations: What has changed? What hasn't? And what is unlikely to?
Reports, 2018
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The Raddul Fasaad Fallouts: Will it succeed where Zarb-e-Azb failed?
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 13
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan 2017: The Slow Burn
NIAS Strategic Forecast
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Military Courts in Pakistan: Will they return? What are the implications?
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 12
image D Suba Chandran
NIAS Strategic Forecast, "Military Courts in Pakistan: Will they return? What are the implications?”
Reports, 2017
NIAS Strategic Forecast 04 / Will Pakistan integrate Gilgit Baltistan? And what if ? D Suba Chandran
NIAS Strategic Forecast 04 / Will Pakistan integrate Gilgit Baltistan? And what if ?
Reports, 2016, 
image D Suba Chandran
NIAS Strategic Forecast: "LoC, J&K and New Delhi: New Pak COAS & Likely Challenges for India"
Reports, 2016
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan’s New Army Chief: The Sharif Balance Sheet & the Bajwa Forecast
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 10
image D Suba Chandran
NIAS Strategic Forecast: "Pakistan’s New Army Chief: The Sharif Balance Sheet & the Bajwa Forecast"
Reports, 2016
Afghanistan Elections 2014: Positive Vote, Future of Taliban & the Challenges Ahead D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Afghanistan Elections 2014: Positive Vote, Future of Taliban & the Challenges Ahead
IPCS Special Report 161
Why is Afghanistan important to India? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Why is Afghanistan important to India?
The Friday Times
Tourism and Peacebuilding in Jammu and Kashmir D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Tourism and Peacebuilding in Jammu and Kashmir
Co-authored with Shaheen Akhtar. USIP Special Report
Zero Option & Afghan Stability: Karzai, Obama and the High Stakes in Afghanistan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Zero Option & Afghan Stability: Karzai, Obama and the High Stakes in Afghanistan
IPCS Issue Brief, No. 227
International Security, Afghanistan and 2014: Seeds of Instability D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
International Security, Afghanistan and 2014: Seeds of Instability
The Book Review, Vol.37, No.6
The Crisis State: Pakistan’s Security Dilemma D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The Crisis State: Pakistan’s Security Dilemma
IPCS Issue Brief #192
Alternative Regional Strategy D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Alternative Regional Strategy for India: A Charm Offensive to Win the Hearts and Minds
IPCS Issue Brief #161
Is Pakistan Re-positioning itself in Kashmir?: Islamabad’s Five Likely Strategies D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Is Pakistan Re-positioning itself in Kashmir?: Islamabad’s Five Likely Strategies
IPCS Issue Brief #156
What Next after the All Party Delegation D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
What Next after the All Party Delegation Visit?: A 3-C Strategy for Kashmir
The Fragile Regions of South Asia Why States Fail in Parts D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
The Fragile Regions of South Asia: Why States Fail in Parts?
IPCS Issue Brief #150
American Military Operations inside Pakistan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
American Military Operations inside Pakistan: Will it help the US, Pakistan and India?
IPCS Issue Brief #152
Pir Panjal Regional Festival: Integrating the Isolated Border Districts in J&K & Building Peace from Below D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pir Panjal Regional Festival: Integrating the Isolated Border Districts in J&K & Building Peace from Below
IPCS Issue Brief #142
Harnessing the Indus Waters D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Harnessing the Indus Waters: Perspectives from India
IPCS Issue Brief #129
IPCS Issue Brief D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Expanding Cross-LoC Interactions: Perspectives from India
IPCS Issue Brief #131
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Exploring Regional Zero: An Alternative Indian Nuclear Disarmament Strategy?
IPCS Issue Brief
Failure or Functional Anarchy D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Failure or Functional Anarchy?: Understanding Weak/Failing States in South Asia
Violence against Women in Swat: Why blame only Taliban? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Violence against Women in Swat: Why blame only Taliban?
IPCS Issue Brief #97
US and the Af-Pak Strategy: Pakistan’s Interests & Likely Responses D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
US and the Af-Pak Strategy: Pakistan’s Interests & Likely Responses
IPCS Issue Brief #98
Poonch Festival: A Strategy to Integrate the Border Regions in J&K D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Poonch Festival: A Strategy to Integrate the Border Regions in J&K
IPCS Special Report #64
Fighting Terrorism: Strengthen and Modernize the State Police D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Fighting Terrorism: Strengthen and Modernize the State Police
IPCS Issue Brief #88
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Sectarian Violence in Pakistan’s Kurram Agency
PSRU Brief #40
I have a dream for Pakistan” D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
"I have a dream for Pakistan”: A Critique of Zardari’s Plan
IPCS Issue Brief #83
Impeaching Musharraf: Issues and Questions D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Impeaching Musharraf: Issues and Questions
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Ten Years After Chagai
IPCS Issue Brief
Cross-LoC Trade: Challenges and Opportunities in J&K D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Cross-LoC Trade: Challenges and Opportunities in J&K
IPCS Issue Brief #66
Connecting India: A Road Map for New Roads D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Connecting India: A Road Map for New Roads
Co-authored with N Manoharan Vibhanshu Shekhar, PG Raja Mohan, Jabin Jacob. IPCS Issue Brief #58
Jammu & Kashmir: India's Objectives and Strategies D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Jammu & Kashmir: India's Objectives and Strategies
Swords and Ploughshares, vol. XVI, no. 1, pp. 4-7
Reconnecting Ladakh & Reviving the Silk Route D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Reconnecting Ladakh & Reviving the Silk Route
Epilogue, pp.11-15
India's Strategic Vision" in Bridging Strategic Asia: The United States, Japan, and India D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
India's Strategic Vision" in Bridging Strategic Asia: The United States, Japan, and India
J&K as Land of Contact D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
J&K as Land of Contact
Epilogue, pp.14-22
Pakistan in 2007: Year of Elections and Confusion D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan in 2007: Year of Elections and Confusion
Agni, Vol.9, No.4, pp.12-26
Akbar Bugti and after D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Akbar Bugti and After: Implications for Balochistan and Pakistan
IPCS Issue Brief #38
Economic and Political Weekly, D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Rajouri: Seeds of a Silent Revolution
Economic and Political Weekly, pp. 2979-80
Indo-US Nuclear Agreement: Issues and Implications D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Indo-US Nuclear Agreement: Issues and Implications
Sainik Samachar, Vol. 52, No.17, pp.2-3
Is the Conflict Transforming in J&K: Preparing for a new Beginning D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Is the Conflict Transforming in J&K: Preparing for a new Beginning
Mainstream, Vol. XLII, No.34, pp.42-45
Pakistan in 2005: Implications for India and Indo-Pak Dialogue D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Pakistan in 2005: Implications for India and Indo-Pak Dialogue
IPCS Issue Brief #28
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Jammu and Kashmir: A Political Road Map for India
Trishul, Vol.27, no.1, pp.24-33
War in Waziristan: Implications for Pakistan and India D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
War in Waziristan: Implications for Pakistan and India
IPCS Issue Brief #23
Cricket as a CBM towards Kashmir D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Cricket as a CBM towards Kashmir
(Co-authored) Mainstream, Vol XLII, No.27, pp.9-10
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Monitoring an Active Border: A Case for Neutral Observers
Swords and Ploughshares, 25, no.3, pp.3-5
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Madrassas in Pakistan
IPCS Issue Brief #11
New Indian Initiatives in Kashmir D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
New Indian Initiatives in Kashmir
IPCS Issue Brief #13
Sectarian Violence in Pakistan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Sectarian Violence in Pakistan
IPCS Issue Brief #9
Preemptive Strike: Will it Secure Indian Interests? D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Preemptive Strike: Will it Secure Indian Interests?
IPCS Issue Brief #7
War on Iraq: Implications for Pakistan D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
War on Iraq: Implications for Pakistan
IPCS Issue Brief #6
Pakistan elections: four provinces, mixed results, one message | Data D Suba Chandran
Pakistan elections: four provinces, mixed results, one message | Data
The Hindu, 29 February 2024
29 February 2024
Other Publications
The illusion of change in Pakistan D Suba Chandran
The illusion of change in Pakistan
The Hindu, 14 February 2024
14 February 2024
Other Publications
Pakistan and Iran: calm after the storm | Explained D Suba Chandran
Pakistan and Iran: calm after the storm | Explained
The Hindu, 30 January 2024
30 January 2024
Other Publications
Deep state pulls strings in Pakistan’s February elections. Will 2018 repeat? D Suba Chandran
Deep state pulls strings in Pakistan’s February elections. Will 2018 repeat?
The Frontline, 11 January 2024
11 January 2024
Other Publications
Baloch march: from Turbat to Islamabad D Suba Chandran
Baloch march: from Turbat to Islamabad
The Hindu, 02 January 2024
2 January 2024
Other Publications
Explained | The calm after the storm for Pakistan? D Suba Chandran
Explained | The calm after the storm for Pakistan?
The Hindu, 02 July 2023
2 July 2023
Other Publications
Pakistan’s establishment has an Imran Khan problem D Suba Chandran
Pakistan’s establishment has an Imran Khan problem
The Hindu, 23 May 2023
23 May 2023
Other Publications
The Hindu D Suba Chandran
The political flux in Pakistan
The Hindu, 19 January 2023
19 January 2023
Other Publications
The Hindu D Suba Chandran
In Pakistan, a new army chief and old issues
The Hindu, 07 December 2022
7 December 2022
Other Publications
Pakistan’s economic muddling and the IMF challenge D Suba Chandran
Pakistan’s economic muddling and the IMF challenge
The Hindu, 23 June 2022
23 June 2022
Other Publications
Appointing the new ISI Chief: Why is Imran Khan delaying the notification? Who will blink? D Suba Chandran
Appointing the new ISI Chief: Why is Imran Khan delaying the notification? Who will blink?
Pakistan Reader,15 October 2021
15 October 2021
Dr AQ Khan: Between a national hero and a nuclear proliferator D Suba Chandran
Dr AQ Khan: Between a national hero and a nuclear proliferator
Pakistan Reader, 11 October 2021
11 October 2021
Protests in Gwadar: Who and Why D Suba Chandran
Protests in Gwadar: Who and Why
Pakistan Reader, 01 October 2021
1 October 2021
India’s Strategic Culture Debate 2.0. Review of “The India way: Strategies for an uncertain world D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
India’s Strategic Culture Debate 2.0. Review of “The India way: Strategies for an uncertain world” by S. Jaishankar
New Delhi: Harper Collins, 2020. Book Review 45, 3 March 2021.
3 March 2021
Op-Eds and Comments
The Doha-Kabul journey as a road to nowhere. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
The Doha-Kabul journey as a road to nowhere.
The Hindu, 26 september 2020
26 September 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
Pakistan Reader D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Imran complains of an Indian false flag march, Pakistan responds to the US criticisms on China and CPEC, Violence along the Pak-Afghan and Pak-Iran borders, and the locust threat.
Pakistan Reader, 24 May 2020.
24 May 2020
NIAS Comments
Another Maoist ambush in Chattisgarh: Lessons from a failure. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Another Maoist ambush in Chattisgarh: Lessons from a failure.
IPRI Brief # 04, 31 March 2020.
31 March 2020
NIAS Comments
Return to chaos in Afghanistan. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Return to chaos in Afghanistan.
The Hindu, 3 March 2020.
3 March 2020
Op-Eds and Comments
D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
The US-Taliban deal in Doha: Five reasons why Pakistan is ecstatic.
Pakistan Reader # 103, 1 March 2020.
1 March 2020
NIAS Comments
Azadi march in Pakistan, a damp squib. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Azadi march in Pakistan, a damp squib.
The Hindu Business Line, 7 November 2019.
7 November 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
Azadi march in Pakistan, a damp squib. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Azadi march in Pakistan, a damp squib.
The Hindu, 7 November 2019.
7 November 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
PEMRA’s new directive: Curbing media freedom is a self-goal and will return to haunt.
Pakistan Reader #100, 1 November 2019.
1 November 2019
NIAS Comments
D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
The Afghans are in for a long haul: So should the rest of us.
Conflict Reader #75, 1 October 2019.
1 October 2019
NIAS Comments
Why an arctic foray is essential for India. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Why an arctic foray is essential for India.
The Hindu, 28 September 2019.
28 September 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
Why India’s foray into the arctic matters. D Suba Chandran
Science, Technology and International Relations
Why India’s foray into the arctic matters.
The Hindu Business Line, (26 September 2019.
26 September 2019
Op-Eds and Comments
US-Pak Relations: What has Changed? What hasn’t? and What is unlikely to Change? D Suba Chandran
International Strategic and Security Studies
US-Pak Relations: What has Changed? What hasn’t? and What is unlikely to Change?,
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 21. Bangalore: January 2018
1 January 2018
Default image D Suba Chandran
International Strategic and Security Studies
The Husain Huqqani revelation: Did the civilians keep the military in dark on OBL?
ISSSP Reflections No. 50, March 14, 2017
14 March 2017
NIAS Comments
Default image D Suba Chandran
International Strategic and Security Studies
Tehmina Janjua: Internal challenges for the new Foreign Secretary
ISSSP Reflections No. 49, February 27, 2017
27 February 2017
NIAS Comments
D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
LoC, J&K and New Delhi: New Pak COAS & Likely Challenges for India
NIAS Strategic Forecast No. 11
28 December 2016
Default image D Suba Chandran
International Strategic and Security Studies
The “Not Now, Not Ever” Lady: Amb. Arundhati Ghose R.I.P
ISSSP Reflections No. 49, August 01, 2016
1 August 2016
NIAS Comments
Jammu and Kashmir: Charting a Future D Suba Chandran
Conflict Resolution and Peace Research
Jammu and Kashmir: Charting a Future
New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers, 2005
28 January 2005
Can the judiciary be truly independent in Pakistan? D Suba Chandran
Can the judiciary be truly independent in Pakistan?
The Hindu, 10 April 2024
10 April 1924
Other Publications