Dr. Andreas Raspotnik is a Senior Researcher at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in Oslo, Norway, and a Senior Researcher at the High North Center for Business and Governance, Nord University in Bodø, Norway. Andreas is also a Senior Fellow and Leadership Group Member at The Arctic Institute - Center for Circumpolar Security Studies and a Global Fellow at the Wilson Center's Global Europe Program, both in Washington, DC. Much of his research analyses the work of the European Union and its various institutions to develop a comprehensive and integrated EU Arctic policy, as well as the broader impact/footprint the EU has on the Arctic region. This research focus is further embedded into matters of Arctic geopolitics and EU foreign and security policy, particularly regarding the regional relationship between the EU and the Russian Federation. Additional research tackles the development of the Arctic’s blue economy, both from a conceptual as well as practical angle (fisheries and aquaculture), as well as regional questions on the applicability of international law of the sea.