Anant Kamath

Anant Kamath
Assistant Professor

I am a social scientist, with my training throughout in economics but my interests and writing spanning well outside of the discipline, into economic-sociology, technological change, and the political economy of development. Prior to NIAS, I was with the School of Development at Azim Premji University, Bangalore, for six years. My doctoral work was at the United Nations University / MERIT (The Netherlands), before which I have studied at the Centre for Development Studies (CDS, Trivandrum), Madras School of Economics (Chennai) and St. Joseph's College (Bangalore). As principal violinist of the Bangalore School of Music Chamber Orchestra, I am also involved in the western classical music scene in Bangalore. 

My interests lie in technological studies. My focus has been around the economic-sociology of technological outcomes, with conceptual foundations in social constructivist and feminist-historical perspectives on technology. Hence, concerns on social capital and spatiality, inequality, urban transition, social mobility, gender, and caste, have undergrid all my research thus far. Methodologically, I have experimented on and employed various methods such as network analysis, archival work, oral histories, the social construction of technology, focus group discussions, interviews, surveys, and quantitative methods. As a result, the broader political-economy dynamics have always framed the analytical and conceptual setting in every one of my research studies.  

I have published in various international journals on technology and society. My latest book (co-authored with Dr Neethi P.) on neoliberal urban transition and digital experiences among street-based sex workers in Bangalore is 'Urban Undesirables: City Transition and Street-Based Sex Work in Bangalore,' and has been released under Cambridge University Press. My other books include   ‘The Social Context of Technological Experiences '  (Routledge, 2020) and 'Routledge titled Industrial Innovation, Networks, and Economic Development' (Routledge, 2015)

Urban Undesirables Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Urban Undesirables: City Transition and Street-Based Sex Work in Bangalore
Co-authored with Neethi P, Cambridge University Press, 2022
The Social Context of Technological Experiences Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
The Social Context of Technological Experiences: Three Studies from India
Routledge, UK, and India
Industrial Innovation, Networks, and Economic Development in Indi Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Industrial Innovation, Networks, and Economic Development in India: Informal Information Sharing in Low-Technology Clusters
London : Routledge
Turbulent transformations and urban undesirables Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Turbulent transformations and urban undesirables
Neethi, P., & Kamath, A. (2025). Turbulent transformations and urban undesirables: Revanchist urban transition and street-based sex work in Bangalore. In Mapping Legalities (pp. 141-158). Routledge.
Old Caste Exclusions and New Digital Divides Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Old Caste Exclusions and New Digital Divides
Kamath, A. (2023). Old Caste Exclusions and New Digital Divides. In Technology, Policy, and Inclusion (pp. 179-205). Routledge India.
Inclusive Innovation Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Informal information-exchange networks in rural Low-Tech
In: Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India edited by Rajeswari S. Raina and Keshab Das. Springer India, pp. 101-117
 Innovation and Development Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Information Sharing through Informal Interaction in Low-Tech Clusters
In: Innovation and Development, Routledge, pp. 170-171
Economic and Political Weekly Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Technological Weapons of the Weak: Frugal Technological Praxis as Empowerment
Economic and Political Weekly, 59(43): 25–29.
26 October 2024
Journal Articles
Contributions to Indian Sociology Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Book Review of Mapping Scientific Method: Disciplinary Narrations
Kamath, A. (2023). Book review: Gita Chadha and Renny Thomas, ed. 2023. Mapping Scientific Method: Disciplinary Narrations. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 57(1-2), 147-149.
2 December 2023
Journal Articles
Economic and Political Weekly Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Beyond a Technological Understanding of Technology
Economic and Political Weekly, 57(46): 22-24
12 November 2022
Journal Articles
Economic and Political Weekly Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Towards the Instrumentality of Inequality
Co-authored with Debosree Banerjee and Chetan Choithani. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 57
24 September 2022
Journal Articles
BMJ Open Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Usability and feasibility assessment of a smartphone application (Suhriday) for heart failure self-care remote monitoring in an Indian tertiary health care setting: a pilot mixed-methods study
Bylappa, B. K., Kamath, D. Y., Josephine, I. S., Shaikh, J., Kamath, A., Rioniz, P., ... & Xavier, D. (2022). Usability and feasibility assessment of a smartphone application (Suhriday) for heart failure self-care remote monitoring in an Indian tertiary h
24 August 2022
Journal Articles
Plos One Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
A qualitative, grounded theory exploration of the determinants of self-care behaviour among Indian patients with a lived experience of chronic heart failure
PLoS ONE 6 (1 (e0245659)
28 December 2021
Journal Articles
Globalizations Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Disappearing spaces and betraying allies: urban transition and street-based sex work in Bangalore
28 December 2021
Journal Articles
Gender, Technology and Development Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Body politics and the politics of technology: technological experiences among street-based sex workers in Bangalore
Gender, Technology and Development
28 December 2021
Journal Articles
Technology in Society Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Social inequalities, fundamental inequities, and recurring of the digital divide: Insights from India
Technology in Society 61: 101251
28 December 2020
Journal Articles
Critical Asian Studies Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Untouchable Cellphones: Old Caste Exclusions and New Digital Divides in Peri-Urban Bangalore
Critical Asian Studies 50(3): 375-394
28 December 2018
Journal Articles
Socio Economic Review Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Social Cohesion and Knowledge Diffusion: Understanding the Embeddedness–Homophily Association
Socio-Economic Review 13(4): 723-746
28 December 2015
Journal Articles
Information sharing through informal interaction in low-tech clusters Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Information sharing through informal interaction in low-tech clusters
Kamath, A. (2015). Information sharing through informal interaction in low-tech clusters. Innovation and Development, 5(1), 170–171.
19 February 2015
Journal Articles
EPW Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Evidence-based Policymaking: What can we learn from India’s R&D statistics?
Economic and Political Weekly 49(10): 13-16
28 December 2014
Journal Articles
Science and Public Policy Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Does technical education in India contribute to its Core-HRST? A case study of IIT Madras
Science and Public Policy 38(4): 293-305
28 December 2013
Journal Articles
Technology in Society Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Interactive knowledge exchanges under complex social relations: A simulation model of a developing country cluster
Technology in Society 35(4): 294-305
28 December 2013
Journal Articles
Space and Culture Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Everyday Place Making Through Social Capital Among Street Vendors at Manek Chowk, Gujarat, India
Space and Culture
Journal Articles
Anant Kamath, Narendar Pani, Ajit Kumar Babu
Inequality and Human Development
Inequality and Intervention: Experience of Technology
NIAS Research Report NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/07/2024
A Technological Enquiry into Inequality: A Conceptual Review Anant Kamath, P Neethi
Inequality and Human Development
A Technological Enquiry into Inequality: A Conceptual Review
NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/11/2021): 40
Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Enabling Inclusive Innovation: The Role of Informal Knowledge Exchanges through Interaction in Rural Low-Tech Clusters
WP 13/2009, Systems of Innovation for Inclusive Development, Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi, and IDRC, Canada
Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
Analysing the Contribution of Technical Education to India’s Science Manpower
proceedings of Sharing Agendas on Knowledge Systems, UNESCO, Paris
The Hindu Anant Kamath, Neethi, P
Inequality and Human Development
Workers, not Tech, should be the State’s Priority
Op-Ed, The Hindu, 1 April, 2024
1 April 2024
Other Publications
Citizen Matters Anant Kamath, Neethi, P
Inequality and Human Development
Bengaluru’s sex workers: old work spaces are all gone, the city now considers them ‘undesirables
Citizen Matters, 28 February 2022
28 February 2022
Other Publications
Wistron plant turmoil is a consequence of privileging foreign capital over domestic workers Anant Kamath, Neethi P.
Inequality and Human Development
Wistron plant turmoil is a consequence of privileging foreign capital over domestic workers.
The Wire
13 January 2021
Op-Eds and Comments
The Wire Anant Kamath, Neethi, P
Inequality and Human Development
How the Coronavirus Outbreak is also a Socio-Economic Inequality Issue
The Wire, 23 March 2020.
23 April 2020
Other Publications
Wasn’t this city made for you and me?’ Sex workers and their shrinking spaces Anant Kamath, Neethi, P
Inequality and Human Development
Wasn’t this city made for you and me?’ Sex workers and their shrinking spaces
The News Minute, 21 February 2018
21 February 2018
Other Publications
India’s Graduates lack Inspiration, not Infrastructure’, Opinions, Science and Innovation Policy Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
India’s Graduates lack Inspiration, not Infrastructure’, Opinions, Science and Innovation Policy
Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net), February 5th 2009.
4 February 2009
Other Publications
The Wire Anant Kamath
Inequality and Human Development
In India, Accessible Phones lead to Inaccessible Opportunities
The Wire, 24 November 2017
Other Publications