NIAS Global Politics, Young Voices (GPYV) #104
The Ukraine War and Global Order
Organised by
NIAS Area Studies – Europe, National Institute of Advanced Studies
Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, University of Madras
India Office of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
1330-1400 hrs: Inaugural Session
Welcome & Introduction
Prof Utham Kumar Jamadhagni
Professor and Head in the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, University of Madras
About the Workshop
Prof D Suba Chandran
Professor and Dean, School of Conflict and Security Studies, NIAS
1400-1530 hrs: Session-I
Key Actors: Strategies and Endgames
Ukraine’s Strategies and Endgame
Sreeja JS, Post-Graduate Scholar, Madras Christian College
Russia’s Endgame in Ukraine War
Genesy Balasingam, Research Intern, NIAS
NATO and the Ukraine War
Feben Itty, Post-Graduate Scholar, Madras Christian College
Poland and the Ukraine War
Yogeswari S, Post-Graduate Scholar, University of Madras
Europe and the Ukraine War
Annem Naga Bindhu Madhuri, Post-Graduate Scholar, University of Madras
Inputs by Discussants
1530-1545 hrs: Tea
1545-1715 hrs: Session-II
Regional and Global Fallouts
Turkey and the Ukraine War
Satabdi Seal, Post-Graduate Scholar, Pondicherry University
Role of Sanctions
Daleeya Dehingia, Post-Graduate Scholar, University of Madras
Impact on Global Food Security
Navinan GV, Post-Graduate Scholar, University of Madras
Impact of Food Supply Chain Disruptions in Africa
Eddula Varshitha, Post-Graduate Scholar,
Pondicherry University
India and Ukraine War
Arjun SS, Post-Graduate Scholar, University of Madras
Inputs by Discussants
1715-1730 hrs: Concluding Session